Fantasy Grounds - Pathfinder(R) for Savage Worlds: Rise of the Runelords! Book 3 - The Hook Mountain Massacre

Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds: Rise of the Runelords! Book 3 – The Hook Mountain Massacre The Kreegs, more than any other ogre clan dwelling upon the Hook, are aggressive, ravenous butchers, responsible for the slaughter of countless mining and lumber camps.

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Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds: Rise of the Runelords! Book 3 – The Hook Mountain Massacre

The Kreegs, more than any other ogre clan dwelling upon the Hook, are aggressive, ravenous butchers, responsible for the slaughter of countless mining and lumber camps. Tales of the horrors visited upon those captured by the Kreegs are something of a local legend. The ogres themselves have long waged war against the region's bastion of wilderness law, Fort Rannick, yet until recently they have made no headway. Today, though, the fort lies in ruins and under Kreeg control.
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