Fantasy Grounds - Pathfinder(R) for Savage Worlds: Rise of the Runelords! Book 2 - The Skinsaw Murders

Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds: Rise of the Runelords! Book 2 – The Skinsaw Murders Enslaved giants were well and good for war, but they lacked finesse. Karzoug needed more subtle agents to provide him with both intelligence on this new world and souls to fuel his return to power.

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This is a DLC for Fantasy Grounds VTT.

Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds: Rise of the Runelords! Book 2 – The Skinsaw Murders

Enslaved giants were well and good for war, but they lacked finesse. Karzoug needed more subtle agents to provide him with both intelligence on this new world and souls to fuel his return to power. He turned his attention to the monstrous creatures that had claimed sections of Xin-Shalast during his long sleep. Of all these, it was the lamias with whom he forged the closest bond.
Adapted for Fantasy Grounds by: Kevin Doswell

Requires: An active subscription or a one time purchase of a Fantasy Grounds Unity and the Pathfinder for Savage Worlds ruleset.

Screenshots may differ from what you see in-game based on the extension and ruleset you have loaded and if you are running Fantasy Grounds or Fantasy Grounds Unity.


Max: 8,19€


Min: 8,19€