Fantasy Grounds - Devin Night Pack 178: OSR Advanced Monsters

" Devin Night Pack 178: OSR Advanced MonstersOSR Advanced Monsters contains tokens matching the entries for the OSR and BX monster list. This pack contains a mixture of older tokens found in other packs.

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Devin Night Pack 178: OSR Advanced Monsters

OSR Advanced Monsters contains tokens matching the entries for the OSR and BX monster list. This pack contains a mixture of older tokens found in other packs. If you have already been collecting my tokens please buy the OSR New Monsters pack, it contains the new monsters I made to fill in the gaps.
  • Amphisbaena
  • Ankheg_emerging
  • Ankheg_full
  • Banshee
  • Brown_Mould
  • Brownie
  • Bullete_Deep
  • Caryartid_living
  • Catoblepas
  • CofferCorpse
  • Couatl
  • Dark_Creeper
  • DeepOne
  • Demonicknight
  • Disenchanter
  • Djin
  • Dog_large
  • Dragon_Ancient
  • Dragon_chromatic
  • Dragonne
  • DriderWarrior
  • Drow_Fighter
  • Drow_Matron
  • Drow_Sorcerer2
  • Drow_SpiderPriestess
  • Drow_WarPriestess
  • Duergar_Female
  • Duergar_Male
  • Efreeti_greater
  • Ettin
  • Eye_of_Terror
  • Eye_of_the_Deep
  • FlailSnail
  • GasSpore
  • Ghast
  • Ghost
  • Giant_fish
  • Giant_frog
  • Gibberingmouther
  • Golem
  • Gorilla
  • Gullygug_Captain
  • Gullygug_Fisher
  • Hag_blood
  • Hippocampus
  • Hippopotomus
  • Homonculus
  • Hook_beast_dark
  • Hulker
  • Jackalware_Bloody
  • Jellyfish
  • Krell
  • Lamia 1
  • Lamprey_Giant
  • Leucrotta
  • Lich_Lord
  • Lizard_Giant
  • Locathah
  • Lurker_Above
  • M_Leprechaun
  • Malfyr
  • Mantid
  • Mantis_Giant
  • Mantis_Queen
  • Merrow
  • MidgardSerpent
  • Mimic_open
  • Mimic
  • Mind Lasher
  • Mutoid
  • Mycelian
  • Necrophidius
  • Nightmare
  • Otyugh
  • Peryton
  • Phoenix
  • Piercer
  • Poltergeist
  • Pseudo_dragon
  • Rakshasa
  • Remorhaz_FrsotWurm
  • Revenant
  • Roper
  • Rot_Grub
  • Sahaguin
  • Sahaugin_GlowPriest
  • Sahaugin_raider
  • Satyr
  • Scorpionoid
  • Seahorse_giant
  • Seahorse2_giant
  • SeaSerpent_Greater
  • Shambling_mound
  • Slithering_tracker
  • Slug
  • Snake_Swordsman
  • Spawn_ofthe_worm
  • Sphinx_Gypsosphinx
  • Spider
  • Strangle_Weed
  • Svirfneblin
  • Tarrasque
  • Termite
  • Titan
  • Toad_Giant
  • Trapper
  • Triton
  • Triton2
  • Turtle Snapping
  • Violet_fungus
  • Wasp
  • Water_Fiend
  • Willo’wisp
  • WinterWolf
  • Xorn
  • Yeti1


Max: 9,75€


Min: 9,75€