Fantasy Grounds - Amazing Encounters & Quests

" Amazing Encounters & Quests From: CZRPG A 5e supplement presented in a gorgeous FG module, which provides you with the following: 36 detailed encounters divided in three main themes: Wilderness, Urban, Miscellaneous Each encounter has its own battlemap.


Amazing Encounters & Quests


A 5e supplement presented in a gorgeous FG module, which provides you with the following:
  • 36 detailed encounters divided in three main themes: Wilderness, Urban, Miscellaneous
  • Each encounter has its own battlemap.
  • 16 new creatures
  • 3 new magic items
This supplement empowers Game Masters to enhance their campaigns and adventures with meticulously crafted encounters, elevating the immersive experience of tabletop role-playing games. Each encounter is thoughtfully accompanied by exquisite maps, serving as invaluable aids for inspiration and visualization.
The encounters are thoughtfully categorized into thematic groups, encompassing wilderness, urban settings, and a diverse array of miscellaneous scenarios, ensuring a diverse range of content to suit every campaign.
Moreover, this tome boasts an impressive collection of captivating artwork, carefully curated to enrich the storytelling experience. The team at CZRPG aspires to provide you and your gaming group with countless memorable moments and an abundance of enjoyment as you weave these adventures into your campaign narratives. "


Max: 28,99€


Min: 28,99€