Important Update: Adventure Mode Preview & Art renovation

Ocean Punk

Explore a fantasy ocean-punk world, braving the deep with steam-powered marvels. Discover mysterious underwater treasures, but scarcity and ecological crises test survival. Rise, build, confront foes in this pixel-art ocean survival journey!

Hello everyone, this month I focus on the development of "adventure mode", considering that a large number of players do not adapt to the original God perspective control and planning of the fleet of gameplay, so I plan to develop a parallel role-playing gameplay mechanism, players can choose to control one of the crew to drift and survive on the sea, which will be a new experience. I simplified the behavior of landing, collecting, attacking, etc., and added new behavior mechanisms such as sprinting, manipulation, and sleeping. The development progress is faster than I expected. Although I have conducted a lot of tests, there will certainly be strange bugs during the play, so please contact me or direct community feedback if you have any questions, thank you. I hope you like the new game mode, and I have also fixed some bugs, so the current experience should be better! Without further ado, take a look at the update below. [h2] Adventure Mode [/h2] A new game experience, perfectly inherit the mechanics and features, and start a new rafting adventure on your own [b] Independent redo mission system [/b] : such as fishing, operations, maintenance, etc., need to be redone [list] [*] Use of item resources (food) (meals, potions, etc.) [*] Resource view right click quick use, easy to eat [*] Sleep redo: Black screen will speed up the passage of time, can not be interrupted [*] Suitable for fire protection, planting, irrigation, research [*] Cooking optimization [*] Processing, maintenance (including deck) [*] Remove and build mark cancel (F key) [*] Automatic resource feeding [*] G key to view entity object information [*] Long press F and mouse click to remove the building [*] Added F + right-click force attack [*] Landing Optimization: Jump directly to the island, no link board required, just the boat close to shore [*] Attack Optimization: Direct long-range fire, and increased damage ((power + intelligence) *10) [*] Job optimization: left mouse click to use tools (cutting trees, cutting grass, digging, etc.) [*] Death Optimization: Resurrection mechanism Crew can be re-cast on board after death [*] Salvage Optimization: Automatically picks up fallen resources [/list] [olist] [*] Added Lab Adventure mode description [*] Added Adventure Mode tutorial [*] Added secondary work tips: Left click manual work to add a new icon i to remind players (construction, research, processing) [*] Added Individual Character Properties Overview (Click to open Character panel) [*] Added crew reset button: any position to quickly return to the ship, to prevent the ship out of control offshore can not return [*] Added Death penalty: After death, the original character's data is lost, requiring the player to select a new random character to start [*] New fleet, adventure mode achievement statistics [*] Optimized bullet counterattack (when bullets hit scavengers, spiders and other enemies, they are allowed to counterattack) [*] Optimize sleep: Calculate research and arcane progress (currently skip time and calculate directly) [*] Improved Resurrection Stone adaptation: Wake up from bed after death instead of a resurrection (including voodoo doll effect adaptation) [*] Optimize volcanic mechanism (Restore ore production ↑) [*] Improved dock maintenance performance (deck flicker) [*] Optimize and simplify UI: world temperature, terrain, etc [*] Optimized motion mechanism: the angular vector between the edge velocity allows calculating movement (e.g. 45° welt walk) [*] Optimized jump mechanism: Automatically jump if there is a pit on the deck [*] Optimize more building interactions: sink, soul scrubber, fitness cushion, garbage baler, options trading machine, medical bed, sleep pod, anvil, mechanical rudder [*] Optimized buff display (color differentiation near blood bar) [*] Adjust Inspiration Acquisition speed (↑) [*] Adjust anchor technology node position (advance, lower material, optimize interaction) [*] Adjust the script to calculate by quota (too many initial resources, recalculate by individual amount) [*] Adjust and cancel the recruitment mechanism, and give rewards and subsidies [*] Adjust silent "crew overboard" event [*] Changed the ability of the Fish King (to accept any special eggs, except bird eggs) [*] Adjust inspiration mechanism (uncapped, uniform acceleration) [*] Adjust camera mechanics: Only follow the crew or follow the ship's view (except cutscenes), no free view (except console) [*] Fixed bug where harvesting cactus would not hurt [*] Fixed the sandpile unlimited collection bug [*] Repair construction does not automatically switch schemes [*] Fixed Character Panel not being able to open again after closing the panel [*] Fixed bug where it was easy to remove deck first when demolishing buildings [*] Fixed bug that could not be planted [*] Fixed the bug where the sleep black screen was suspended by other Windows [*] Fixed a bug that sometimes the buttons in processed buildings did not respond [*] Fix cooking target error bug [*] Fixed bug where baby dinosaurs eat seaweed indefinitely [*] Fixed the aquaculture cage refeeding bug [/olist] [h2] Additions and adjustments [/h2] [olist] [*] New stealing, Anger, and killing NPCS: Wandering merchants add stealing features, players have a chance to steal successfully, and if they fail, they will anger the merchant, similar to boss battles (after killing an npc, they need to wait more time to come back) (Merchants frantically summon pirates; Taverns attack with ship guns) [*] Added "Captain" title setting: Captain has the ability to escape death, can be revived after 1 day of death, while boosting morale [*] Added vortex black screen animation and transport tower black screen animation [*] Added Console "Event Manager" panel (similar to Task Manager panel, preview all random events to see event status, and trigger or interrupt in advance) [*] Added tutorial total progress display (x/n) [*] Added special pages of Technology Blueprint (e.g. Abyss Technology, Radiation Technology) [*] Added crew status icon tips (diving and space status tips instead of ambiguous "??" While adding status markers such as depression, intoxication, drunkenness, and death) [*] Added random map eggs (such as mushroom array, Imperial Cemetery, etc.) [*] Added physical drifter log [*] Added script openings (such as single crew or more crew with more supplies) [*] Added resource overload (loop icon) : Can refresh the resource inventory to prevent empty reference exceptions [*] Added archive preview tutorial and console icon tips [*] Optimized the Radiation Island terrain change diffusion algorithm: changed to spread from the center point (or designated point) to the periphery [*] Optimize side view (the first task opens automatically when the side task is activated or the main task is displayed) [*] Optimize talent emergence events [*] Optimize room view (increase decoration degree data display) [*] Optimized propeller (hidden arrow) [*] Optimize music box (add note bubbles) [*] Improved Life Spring (added point light source) [*] Optimized laser structures such as laser domes and deep dive radars (increased light efficiency) [*] Improved Global Relief, Taxation event UI (added federal icon) [*] Improved effects for ship and submarine work (added explosion smoke effects and waves when leaving and returning) [*] Optimize UI application to simplify UI in all aspects [*] Optimize the resident event timer display in the upper right corner [*] Optimized file reading process (more robust: prevents modules from throwing abnormal interrupts) [*] Improved world boss touch error mechanism (48 seconds countdown) [*] Optimized death blast effects (Shock wave + explosion smoke) [*] Improved the effect of exploding particles when wizards are injured [*] Optimized equipment bar (resident slot display, pet bar) [*] Improved recruitment of new crew names (xxx 1) [*] Optimized art renovation (Main islands); Trees add shade [*] Optimized pointer arrow (added click function to quickly focus on the object, such as treasure pointer) [*] Optimize statistics (add data archive while removing block color) [*] Improved ship gun (closed friend-damage, increased explosion smoke) [*] Improved sandbag function (added function to prevent deck flooding) [*] Optimize collision detection at different stages of trees [*] Adjust the separate switch button to remove the heat emitter; Adjust the new Buddy Panel role avatar UI [*] Adjust the growth efficiency of all plants (↓) [*] Improve the archiving mechanism for space and deep submarine systems [*] Improved plot rewards (↑ also offers options) [*] Improved the re-challenge mechanism after the world boss is killed [*] Fixed bugs born on the island [*] Fixed a bug where multiple link boards could not be used due to conflicts [*] Fixed the bug that the world page could not go back to the previous page from the casting page during the tutorial stage [*] Fixed bug where crossing borders could get stuck because the hull was too large [*] Fixed shark land swimming bug [*] Fix the bug that mode and physical cursor prompt disappear after touching other UIs [*] Fixed the bug that wearing equipment can brush equipment repeatedly [*] Fixed a bug where the planting tutorial repeatedly stacked the planting box, causing a file reading error [*] Fixed bug where Fishman could accidentally touch an angry tavern [*] Fix missing "Welcome to the world" prompt after tutorial completion [*] Fixed bubble text not showing on newspaper; Optimized the "View" button on the newspaper desk (old newspaper icon prompts) [/olist] [h2] Translation [/h2] [olist] [*] Translate "Login transfer" mode of mouse hover prompts [*] Translated new simplified UI switch button [*] Translate the "comfort" description of the room view [*] Translate Skills panel character icon mouse hover description [*] Translated new Adventure Mode tutorial [/olist] [h2] Sound and Art [/h2] [olist] [*] Added firefly flying sound [*] Added water baby crying sound [*] Added tombstone Ghost Howl [*] Added stun gun firing sound [*] Added sprint sound [*] Added resource pick tone [*] Resets flamingos and nests [*] Reset shield building art [/olist]