[Archive migration problem] Solution

Ocean Punk

Explore a fantasy ocean-punk world, braving the deep with steam-powered marvels. Discover mysterious underwater treasures, but scarcity and ecological crises test survival. Rise, build, confront foes in this pixel-art ocean survival journey!

This update will result in the loss of game archives, so please take timely archive migration measures 1. Due to the name iteration, I changed the original name (Ocean Current Punk) to the new name (Ocean Punk). 2. Also fixed the exception that "Role unlock data" lacks cloud archive Therefore, this archive is lost, and the subsequent update will try to prevent such phenomenon from occurring. Thank you for your support. The migration method is actually very simple, don't worry, you just need to follow the steps: 1. Run after updating the game 2. Open the archive file (in-game: "[u] option [/u]" setting button --->" [u] Generate file [/u]" button) [img]https://s2.loli.net/2023/11/10/J2g41smorlKiyPj.png[/img] 3. Move [u]Archives/[/u] and [u]Base/[/u] from the old archive folder (Ocean Current Punk) to the new archive folder (Ocean Punk) [img]https://s2.loli.net/2023/11/10/c3PUOWGyhMxNfLB.png[/img] [img]https://s2.loli.net/2023/11/10/a9OtZrVcwv84XYL.png[/img] 4. Finished (may need to restart the game) If you have any questions, please check out the Steam community post or join the group to ask