WizardChess 0.6.0 | Desert Biome Added!


WizardChess is a deckbuilding roguelike, where Chess meets Trading Card Games. Fight in strategic permadeath battles, acquire and upgrade new units, and carve a path to the boss. Challenge the Fae in their annual tournament and the Fae Queen herself might just grant your wish. If you survive...

[h1]DESERT BIOME[/h1] As of v0.6.0 [b]WizardChess[/b] is now approximately 150% bigger than what you've previously seen!! There is an entirely NEW Biome to play around in, with it's own enemies, rulesets, and a unique boss battle! This update builds off the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1274210/view/6056812146114464259]recent Ranking System[/url], allowing you to battle Cormag and Hss repeatedly to rank them up, unlock additional content, and raise the overall difficultly of the game in tandem with your own skill and experience. If you're previously played the game and have maxed out Cormag, you'll have to raise him [i]1 more Rank[/i], and you'll have full access to the Desert Biome! [h3][b]WizardChess[/b] is currently [u]25% off[/u] to coincide with this new update![/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37230541/dfba8abb83fc80eeebdfce40d85377e404226bad.png[/img] [h2]DEVLOG[/h2] If you prefer to have the update described with visual accompaniments, and detailed rationales, please do watch Ben's wonderful Devlog! I genuinely love the way he explains game design. His videos are informative and comforting! [previewyoutube=Ev1QMYqiV_Q;full][/previewyoutube] [h1]FEATURES[/h1] [h2]Desert Biome[/h2] This new Biome is build around maze-like levels, gambling, risks and rewards! It brings with it brand new enemies to learn and overcome, and other unique challenges to overcome. [list] [*] [b]Maze Encounters[/b] - Send in your least fatigued unit and try to escape with loot and your life. [*] [b]Multi-Offer Trade Rooms[/b] - Sacrifice units to enhance the remaining team, and optimize your build [*] [b]Opponent: Hss[/b] - A brand new boss battle! [/list] [h2]Deeper Gameplay[/h2] [list] [*] [b]New Knoel + Lion enemies[/b] - Appear in the Mountain Biome, unlocked by ranking up Cormag [*] [b]Added Traits[/b] - Social, Shy, Extrovert, Introvert, Focused, Warned, Ready, Clumsy, Offguard, Unready [/list] [h2]Enhancements[/h2] [list] [*] [b]Alternative music in shops[/b] - A "supermarket" remix of the main track [*] [b]Alternative combat music[/b] when down to the last enemy - The tempo of the music shifts down to match the decreased intensity in this phase of combat. [*] [b]Codex browser[/b] - Browse all codex entries you've ever been shown. Upon opening the browser, it will suggest relevant entries for the encounter type [*] Introduction [b]dialogue for bosses[/b] [*] [b]Compass indicator[/b] - Makes backseating easier [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Monk cannot swap with Shield Orbs & some other special units [*] New AI tactics unlocked at higher ranks [*] Upgrade quality of all in-game music tracks [*] Shield Orbs move around randomly [*] Archer rebalanced - Archers shoot in a ring with radius based on their SKL (instead of a filled circle) [*] Lancer rebalanced - Lancers will always charge as far as they can, indicated by new UI during the targeting process. They can now charge to empty squares increasing their mobility significantly [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Transition effect sometimes stalled/covered screen [*] Tweak unit hover hitbox [*] Disable gameplay input while options menu is open [/list] Thanks for reading to the end <3 Ben & Ricky (TwoPM Studios) Graeme (2 Left Thumbs)