Build 138 (v0.5.7) is live!


WizardChess is a deckbuilding roguelike, where Chess meets Trading Card Games. Fight in strategic permadeath battles, acquire and upgrade new units, and carve a path to the boss. Challenge the Fae in their annual tournament and the Fae Queen herself might just grant your wish. If you survive...

Welcome to [b]WizardChess[/b] 0.5.7! And with this, it also felt like a perfect time to discount the game again. You can pickup WizardChess for 20% OFF [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37230541/45e0ef5e9537ac44ef1dc7cd77871d7c90365490.png[/img][/url] We've totally reworked progression and difficulty, but it's better now! Every contestant (including The Bard) has a Rank based on the official Chess ELO rating system, and will gain experience the more you win. Ranking up the Bard unlocks starting parties, while Boss rankings increase the difficulty of the Boss battle and overall biome with every rank. [h3] Devlog #16 [/h3] [previewyoutube=0ZtLZX0Wv3U;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]UPDATES[/h3] [b]NEW[/b] Contestant ranking and experience system [b]NEW[/b] Unit and trait unlocks now appear by chance in shops [b]CHANGE[/b] Remove unlock shop at the end of the run [b]CHANGE[/b] Redesigned starting party unlock progression based on player rank [b]CHANGE[/b] Redesigned Victory screen to show rank, experience and stats [b]CHANGE[/b] Redesigned Game Over screen [b]CHANGE[/b] Add post-processing to map view [b]CHANGE[/b] Tutorialise fatigue [b]CHANGE[/b] Update appearance of upgrade and trait cards [b]CHANGE[/b] Prevent accidental friendly fire with Archer and Javelina [b]CHANGE[/b] Improve move preview visualisation ↳ [i]Colour scheme has been changed for clarity.[/i] [b]CHANGE[/b] Add (optional) developer analytics [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37230541/fa3af022dcfc81c24a271fc22f0bcc772ea3444f.jpg[/img] [h3]NOTICE[/h3] You will see 2 prompts upon updating your game. [list] [*] The first is a request for us to collect user analytics. It is entirely [u]optional[/u], but we ask that you please [b]allow[/b] this data collection. Knowing precisely how players interact with the game will allow us to further iterate and improve the user experience with each coming update! [*] The second is on Save data. This is again [u]optional[/u]! The new Rank system is now how starting parties are unlocked (as opposed to the post-run shop). By starting fresh, you'll be able to experience that advancement as intended. If you choose to [b]Migrate[/b] your save, you will retain your unlocks that would now otherwise be earned through Ranking up the Bard. [b]Resetting is recommended[/b]! But we didn't want to make that choice for you. [/list] [h3]WHAT'S NEXT?[/h3] We know players have been eager to start facing someone other than Cormag. But we needed to prioritize establishing this new progression system first to make the rollout of future unlocks much smoother. Stay tuned for a new opponent is [i]coming soon[/i] ;) Thanks for reading to the end <3 Ben & Ricky (TwoPM Studios)