The WizardChess RE-Launch


WizardChess is a deckbuilding roguelike, where Chess meets Trading Card Games. Fight in strategic permadeath battles, acquire and upgrade new units, and carve a path to the boss. Challenge the Fae in their annual tournament and the Fae Queen herself might just grant your wish. If you survive...

[h2]AUTUMN SALE!![/h2] First off, starting today (for 1 week), [b]WizardChess is [u]20% off.[/u][/b] You can get an addition discount by purchasing the [b][url=]2 Left Roguelikes[/url] bundle[/b], that includes Dead Estate. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37230541/45e0ef5e9537ac44ef1dc7cd77871d7c90365490.png[/img] [h2]Introducing WizardChess[/h2] Now onto the main event. Thank you to everyone who has supported the game up until now, who have been an invaluable part of us arriving at this point! From the initial release of 'The Song of The Fae' over 1 year ago, through 134 different builds, a new game has emerged: '[b]WizardChess[/b]'. When a game enters Early Access, it is known to be a work in progress, and changes are to be expected. Yet the extent to which a game changes as excess is trimmed away, and core mechanics are refined, can often be dramatic. Through TwoPM's own innovations, feedback from the community, and a long journey to [i]finding[/i] the best possible version of the game, we've arrived here! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37230541/fb6ffc1291131fe0860b70c8d72e1d25992ed2ab.gif[/img] [h2]So, what is it?[/h2] [b]WizardChess[/b] features roguelike deckbuilding mechanics for highly variable and replayable run-based gameplay, with combat inspired by the unit management and strategy of chess! [b][u]Build your Army[/u][/b]: Recruit, upgrade, sacrifice, trade and gamble your units away to create the ultimate build. [u][b]Carve a Path:[/b][/u] Navigate an array of room-types in whatever order you choose to explore, fight, and further enhance your build. [u][b]Battle the Fae:[/b][/u] Each run ends with a unique boss battle. Overcome stacked odds with whatever units and mental energy you have left to spare. [u][b]Massively Replayable: [/b][/u]Every run is procedurally generated, down to the maps, encounters, enemies, units, statistics and even the AI. [u][b]Short runs:[/b][/u]: This game can be mentally taxing. Runs are kept short (~20 minutes) and challenging, to encourage you to try new things, while allowing you to space out your playtime. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37230541/3fc25f490f977e27312b50dda647ff760fffb387.gif[/img] [h2]Still Early Access?[/h2] Interacting with the community, and developing the game alongside them has taken us this far, to something we now consider [b]v0.5[/b]. We've got a ways to go but the game is coming together as we march towards v1.0! Join the []Official Discord[/url] to follow along! From here on out, it'll be a matter of adding new units, new bosses, new biomes, new rooms, new encounter types - you name it! While the current Mountain Biome should provide plenty of replayability potential as-is, there is [i]so much more[/i] to come! We will openly develop a roadmap alongside the community, as we push forward towards v1.0! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37230541/3de00fa350dd09340b5f5b595a23df4dd837c6ba.gif[/img] [h2]Publisher[/h2] Hi! This is Graeme, the owner of 2 Left Thumbs, now serving as the publisher on [b]WizardChess[/b]! These final revisions to bring the new iteration of this game to life have been the tireless efforts of TwoPM the last few months, all to prepare for this "re-launch". I first got involved because I loved this hidden gem, and found it's potential to be enormous! I hope you'll feel the same way. We also need to thank [url=]Figburn[/url] for the incredible new keyart and logo! And [url=]Jumbs[/url] for providing the new OST! We will get this listed for sale as soon as some final preparations are made. It's been almost impossible for me to stay silent about this game for all this time! But we wanted to wait for this game-changing v0.5 to be ready before announcing anything. It's an absolute pleasure to be representing this game, and the amazing pair of developers (Ben & Ricky) who have done ALL the hard work to get their game to this place <3