Thanks to all those players out there still grinding away in the post-apocalypse. We've added a bunch of new features to the game. Plus we've updated our roadmap for the next year.
Join us on discord to see what the future of TombstoneMMO holds [url=]Discord[/url] for the fastest way to report your bugs.
__Update 0.3.5 (EARLY ACCESS)__ 2/6/25
[*] [b]Bounty Hunter[/b]
[list] [*] Completing bounties will now reward you a bounty crate for the corresponding board that gives you various random resources.
[*] Added another higher tier bounty board to Odyssey Outpost in front of its new beer garden
[*] Adjusted the existing bounty exp to be more consistent, and added a few missing bounties.[/list]
[*] [b]Jewelry:[/b] Added silver tier jewelry
[*] [b]Main Quest Changes:[/b] At the start of the main quest you are told to go all the way to Salado, then back to Frontier. This seemed unnecessary and may have been overwhelming for newer players. So we have moved Cain to Frontier's bar instead of Salado's.
[*] [b]Added Overcharged enemies [/b]to most spawn areas. They have a 1% chance to spawn, will be twice as tough, and have 3x the drops. They are indicated by a cyan glow.
[*] [b]Added Campfires:[/b] You can make a campfire in any 2x2 area using a Tinderbox and a log. You can cook on these campfires at a slower, less efficient rate. This might help hunters stay out in the field longer and get more leather by cooking and eating the meat they get from skinning.
[*] [b]Added a friends list![/b] Press 'F' by default to open it.
[*] Added new cosmetics: the [b]Amorganoid [/b]pet, and [b]Marshmallow on a Stick[/b] weapon skin.
[*] Added a new hair color: [b]Hazelnut[/b]. Visit a barber with a color change coupon to change your hair color.
[*] Added craftable Wooden Clogs
[*] Added Tinderbox for sale from various shops
[*] Adjusted some animal meat recipes and added one for Grilled Wolf Meat
[*] Added a bar to Odyssey outpost where the tinkering bench is named 'Odds and Ends Beer Garden'
[*] Added a visual indicator the the "hit shield" on the final boss, becoming more red as it breaks by hitting it
[*] Made various improvement to the companion journal page
[*] Player combat levels are now shown in all right-click options
[*] Added a better warning before triggering the final boss fight
[*] Increased animal pen product quantity
[*] Changed scrap metal to be less abundant, but more valuable (caps and exp-wise)
[*] Increased giant snake carcass hunting exp to 100 (was 50)
[*] Increased repsawn and regen rates of Glassworts
[*] Increased exp from woodcutting for all trees
[*] Added Piles of Sand and the Shovel tool. You can find these in Frontier.
[*] Added another entrance to the Bayou town on the NW side.
[*] Updated minimaps
[*] Taking down the SEA server for the time being to save costs since it was getting little traffic
[*] Mobile: Forced 16:9 resolution which should help with UI scaling
[*] Mobile-related: Added ability to attach a username/password to your account. Primarily Steam users may do this to then login from their phone using the user/pass method.
[*] Fixed a bug where certain variable objects were not preloaded, such as the doors in the Silver Mesa Bunker asking you to pay to open them again if you relogged. (However, the boss door is always paid.)
[*] Fixed Salt Veins not spawning in the Salado salt mine
[*] Fixed a bug where players would get stuck in a server if they logged out while the database was down
[*] Fixed a bug where you couldn't progress/complete the Silver Veil quest
[*] Fixed a visual bug with torch stand sorting
[*] Fixed a bug that did not remove your completed quests from in progress. This may have been causing the journal not to update as you were questing (which was fixed with a relog)
[*] Fixed visual clipping on frontier's bridge
[*] Fixed pets disappearing if you changes maps
[*] Fixed sorting on some bunker doors
[*] Fixed positioning of final boss visuals
[*] Fixed final boss wall laser sprites
[*] Fixed the periodic table in the silver mesa bunker not being readable
[*] Fixed a bug where entering the final boss area would not let you leave through the same door you paid
[*] Fixed some lighting around Frontier
[*] Fixed harvesting anim not playing when digging through garbage
[*] Fixed worm-spawned sandstorms not despawning
[*] Fixed Baby Sandworms appearing huge sometimes
[*] Fixed some sorting issues near doors on the north side of buildings in NW
[*] Fixed animal pen UI dragging not in screen
[*] Fixed various bugs with pen resources
[*] Fixed animal pen products claimed not providing exp
[*] Fixed some inv arrowshaft recipe exps being too high
[*] Fixed a bug where enemy drops would spawn for other enemies if attacked by them. This would appear as if the item didn't drop for you and appears after some time.
[*] Fixed a bug where the bank UI wouldn't hide upon closing the bank if you pressed a hotkey to open another window.
[*] Fixed a bug where the journal would close if your current interaction was canceled (i.e. killing an enemy)