We're still working hard on getting to all the bugs and suggestions that you've reported over this first month of gaming in Tombstone. Keep 'em coming.
There are a few updates within this community update. Check out what we've been doing!
As always, join us on Discord [url=https://discord.gg/y5BHVCphdp]Discord[/url] for the fastest way to report your bugs.
__Update 0.3.3 (EARLY ACCESS)__ 1/4/25
[*] Added 2 new cosmetics: the Cowboy Hat and Green Shorts!
[*] Added glass making: A new node which gives Glasswort, which can then be cooked into Soda Ash, then smelted with Sand to make Molten Glass. You can make glass vial casts and use them to make vials with molten glass.
[*] Added recipe to melt down some broken glass
[*] Added Latte item and recipe
[*] Increased regen rate of all stalls
[*] Meat Stall: Added venison. Lowered raw meat drop weight so it doesn't appear as much
[*] Bar stall: Removed cloth. Decreased small empty vial and poppy rates.
[*] Increased cap yield from robbing people
[*] Increased Oddrey spawns and adjusted drops.
[*] Added some iron nodes upstream from Rustwater. These are slightly closer but won't have Buried Mines nearby.
[*] Added a blue star to an item to indicate a perfect roll
[*] Simplified some shop item ratios (like feathers being sold in bulks of 10 for 30 caps -> 1 feather for 3 caps)
[*] Reduced Fletcher feather price to match other shops
[*] Clarified some dialogue with Tina if you already helped Eddie
[*] Added proper values for Medium Crush and Delight
[*] Swirled Storm recipe now takes 2 energy cells to make.
[*] Kakutes now take 3 fangs to craft
Bug Fixes
[*] Fixed world map icon size slider not working
[*] Fixed trough recipes all being for birch feeding troughs.
[*] Fixed a Water Cell recipe giving cryo cells instead
[*] Fixed grilled boar/venison not burnable when cooked
[*] Fixed a trade bug where both ready states are not reset if one player removed an item
[*] Fixed enemy aggro not respecting aggro radius when they spawned
[*] Fixed FPS unlocking again after logging into game
[*] Fixed bulldog not being reobtainable
[*] Fixed multibench visual layers sorting below it
[*] Fixed bank drag image getting visually stuck on the tab after the first time you did it
[*] Fixed a rounding error on beehive drone drain
[*] Fixed Cowboys not being ranged
[*] Fixed double hit SPUR ability not doing any damage
[*] Your target is now unset if an enemy "returns"
[*] Fixed "Enter" sending unfinished chat message
[*] Fixed collision behind a container where zombies could spawn but you couldn't walk to
[*] Fixed a potential race condition where your quest wouldn't be loaded before talking to an NPC the first time. Such as Wesley where he wouldn't show options for travel
[*] Fixed sparse overworld music not audible outside towns
[*] Reduced enter/exit swimming sound volume
[*] Changed rod fishing sound
Update (EARLY ACCESS)__ 1/13/2025
The Buried Mines
We received feedback that the Buried Mine has not been worth doing for various reasons, including the time and effort it takes to do vs. the reward. So, we have improved several aspects of it:
[*] Added Yohnny to the Buried Mines entrance! He will transfer your mine cart inventory directly to your bank for 10% of your ores.
[*] Up to 33% more nodes could spawn, and 50% more beams
[*] Fixing a beam now shows a visual time addition on the UI
Other Changes
[*] Added two new cosmetics: Monocle and Face Paint!
[*] Accessories: These slots are now generic, so you may equip up to 4 unique accessories instead of one of each designated type.
[*] Added a new accessory: Quiver
[*] Party: Added the ability to set a leader, and to leave the party
[*] Journal: Added more information to recipes
[*] Added animal pen map icons
[*] Chat bubbles will no longer be shown for messages received from hidden channels
[*] Moved a distant Cotton cluster closer to Frontier
[*] Lowered footstep volume
[*] Added tooltip for empty equip slots to say what goes in them
[*] Added a recipe to break broken bottles with a hammer to get broken glass
Bug Fixes
[*] Tried to fix Steam achievement claiming and now gives better feedback if it fails.
[*] House of Bones: Fixed various bugs that would not let you in and play the minigame
[*] Fixed a bug where you would see yourself twice in party UI
[*] Fixed the raid on NW not spawning all raiders or brute
[*] Tried to fix a bug with server shutdown saving people into the void
----------------------- Hotfixes -----------------------
Server Hotfix - 1/8/2025
[*] Pen product claiming has been re-enabled
[*] Changed Pens to send products to your bank instead of withdrawing to your inv
[*] Fixed dying on a spawn point not resetting you properly
[*] Increased max feather stack to 50k (was 5k)
[*] Pressurized cells from Kruger are now sold at 15 caps each (was 5)
[*] Limited crafting amount of a single action to 30
[*] Added rare pets to the rest of the trees
[*] Frozen entities now take more damage from blunt weapons
[*] Login is now prevented during server shutdown
[*] Reduced overkill exp to 1.2x of entity max health (was 2x)
[*] Fixed alchemize spell not taking its item cost
[*] Moved Odyssey bee spawns a bit closer together
[*] Fixed trading a non-noted item taking from a stack of noted items of the same kind
[*] Fixed various trade bugs
[*] Moved a Wolf and Glacial Organoid spawn to a pve area
[*] Fixed a bug where if you bought stackable items with a partial stack in your inventory not giving you all of what you purchased
[*] Fixed a bug where you couldn't rent pens if you didn't have a beehive
Client Hotfix 1/9/2025
[*] Changed Pine tree sprite back to normal
[*] Added crop plot map icons
[*] Robert Skinner now shows his full name to reduce confusion
[*] Fixed inability to interact with the pickaxe south of NW (and other interactables that were 1 tile off)
[*] Fixed torch not modifying your light radius.
[*] Fixed light radius from equipment not changed if you had a cosmetic over it
[*] The task HUD is no longer stretched along the left side of the screen
[*] Fixed side panel toggles not lighting up
[*] Tooltips are now pixel perfect
[*] Added quick options for Harold and Fletcher shops
[*] Removed hurdle rope collision north of Salado
[*] Fixed item value and color for attack speed mods
Client Hotfix 1/10/2025
[*] Fixed a regression where your inventory would toggle instead of open, such as when opening the bank
[*] Rearranged equipment side panel slots
[*] Renamed accessory slots to be more generic in preparation of upcoming changes