This update features a full rework for combat values. Combat should feel more fair, balanced, and make more sense!
Please visit our [url=]website[/url] to play the alpha NOW!
__Update 0.2.19__
[*] Combat equipment rework: All metal, leather, and cloth equipment and weapons have had their stats reworked. These are intended to be final values for the beta.
[*] We wanted to respect the combat triangle and have leather somewhere in the middle.
[*] Reworked some combat calculations. Stat bonuses provide accuracy. Attack/defense bonuses provide damage and reduction of this additional damage, respectively. As a result, most weapons have had their base damage range reduced to make your armor feel more important.
[*] Bows and guns now only provide accuracy, while ammo provides the attack.
[*] Removed the melee attack types (thrust, swing, slash); now it just uses Melee or Physical bonuses.
[*] Added an achievement system (not connected to Steam for now) and our first achievement. You can see the achievements menu through the tab in your journal.
[*] You will now gain a Stat bonus according to the skilling node you're on for each additional person on the node (up to +8).
[*] Fixed the camera not following your player when relogging.
[*] Prevented minimap from appearing over some windows.
[*] Fixed multibench leatherwork unlock not working.
[*] Renamed "Elemental Attunement" to "One with Nature"
[*] Renamed "Forgiveness" to "Retribution"
[*] Animal pens and beehives will now only update on active players (online in the last two weeks)
[*] Fixed equipment stats panel visual layout
[*] Added some new foliage around the wasteland biome.
[*] Fixed the Buried Mine not loading when entered.
[*] Fixed the Buried Mine restarting when leaving as the last person inside.
[*] More accurate tumbleweed spawns. Also added water waves to the ocean.
[*] Increased network spawn range for objects to 32 tiles
[*] Applied various optimizations
[*] Stat buffs can now apply to enemies
[*] Added music to the northernmost ice biome.
Fixed a bug when cosmetic swapping
[*] Added burn defense to tutorial island enemies.
[*] Fixed not being able to harvest nodes that don't require a tool