Patch Notes - EA Update #3

We're still working hard on getting to all the bugs and suggestions that you've reported over this first month of gaming in Tombstone. Keep 'em coming. There are a few updates within this community update. Check out what we've been doing! As always, join us on Discord [url=]Discord[/url] for the fastest way to report your bugs. __Update 0.3.4 (EARLY ACCESS)__ 1/23/25 [list] [*] Leatherwork: Added a tanning process for hides! This is an active playstyle to squeeze out more exp from the hides you get. There are several steps to this process, and some are automated so that you could have multiple steps going on. The exp output of leatherwork was low in the last update, so with the previous exp increase and this providing even more exp for going through the process, it should bring it up to par with other skills. [*] These only apply to the basic tiers of leather from rabbit to wolf at the moment [list] [*] Added Tree Bark which can be cooked into Tanning Solution. Tree bark is a stackable resource from woodcutting [*] Salt is required for one of the steps, so we made it stackable. Increased its input quantity in other recipes to 2 (from 1) [*] Added autocrafters: Soaking Tub and Drying Rack. You can place the proper items in these for them to craft. You will get the exp reward when withdrawing the crafted products. [*] As a result, the leather stall products have also been updated. It also depletes slower and replenishes faster [*] These leather tanning areas have been added to the Bayou and Frontier City (west side) [/list] [*] Added hybrid metal-leather tiers of armor which utilize the new leather items: Fire Helms and Lamellars [*] Greatly improved melee responsiveness. Previously, your character would stop dead in their tracks if the enemy started moving while you were approaching them. Now your character should follow it better until you attack. [*] Added a new hairstyle: Majestic Hair [*] Added a new hair color: Purple [*] The click effect is now white by default and red when you click on something interactable [*] Stylized the slot row for equipment tooltips better [*] Moved a freshwater cold rod-fishing spot closer to Odyssey [*] Quiver recipe now uses Deer Leather [*] Heavy Rain/Chill effects now apply properly while youre in the weather events [*] Can now press the Cancel button (esc) to close an open tooltip [*] Added /ignore as a variation of the /block chat command [*] Added a message to /unstuck with your next available usage time [*] Replaced raw meat with wolf meat on Wolf carcasses [*] Mobile: set ui scaling to 2 (login screen looks huge, but should help with game UI) [*] Fixed a plethora of memory leaks [*] Fixed CRT setting not applied on start if toggled on [*] Fixed Rick mentioning he gave you a pistol when he doesn't [*] Fixed deer spawn near bayou spawning off the cliff edge [*] Fixed various swimming and butcher hair animations [*] Fixed leather hood inv crafting animations [*] Fixed a bug where banks would not save if you had a massive amount of randomized equipment [*] Fixed "Barbelll" earring name [*] Fixed the login mascot not showing all of his lines [/list]