In this update, we've added a number of quality of life improvements, a few new tutorials and some bug fixes.
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__Update 0.2.20__
[*] Fixed brand new accounts not being able to log in.
[*] You can now party up to do Bounties. You will only get progress if active, in range, and on the same combat bounty as your party members. The kill exp is distributed amongst your members with an added 10% bonus.
[*] There is a new introduction cutscene and map before you end up in NW, with some additional tutorials.
[*] Added a new weapon SPUR: Kinesis. Allows you to pick up an item from a distance, costing 50% particles.
[*] Fixed not being able to gather resources that did not require tools
[*] Added UI arrows to cave entrances and exits to make the clickbox for more visual feedback
[*] Moved preference saving to a local file now. Your preferences have been reset. But this should now allow the browser build to remember all your settings.
[*] Crafter usage no longer requires the tool to be equipped (i.e. anvils).
[*] Fixed harvest animation not playing
[*] Fixed dialogue UI sometimes immediately closing or appear not to open at all.
[*] Updated karma drain calculation. Karma is now drained 1% slower per total karma bonus.
[*] Added a simple NPC to Frontier's donation house to explain Karma and its skills
[*] Added foliage around the swamp.
[*] Carcasses can now be "perfect" based on your total Hunting bonus and the carcass level. Perfect carcasses allow 2 gathers. These are indicated by sparkly particles.
[*] Bows have been given a hunting bonus
[*] Fixed mining nodes duplicating their sparkle particles when depleted.
[*] Improved appearance of Frontier's northern bank
[*] Added a medic NPC to the south of Frontier
[*] Dying on Boia will now respawn you in Frontier by default. We will add the ability to set your spawn point in future updates.
[*] Fixed various UI windows stacking on each other or being duplicated
[*] Fixed multibench visuals not spawning
[*] Logout UI should now always be on top of other UI
[*] Fixed a killing combat blow not playing the attack animation
[*] Added a setting to automatically save a screenshot on level up. This is located in the app data folder. This is off by default.
[*] Only one Sandworm will spawn globally
[*] Fixed boss health bars persisting after boss despawns
[*] The World map key is now moved to the tilde key (was the Q key)
[*] The 'Q' key will now open the quest info menu. This is still a WIP, but gives more info on what you're doing
[*] Added a well near New Williamsburg
[*] Fixed location text not showing under minimap
[*] Dragging a bank tab to the edges of the list will now scroll item
[*] Fixed various animal pen bugs
[*] Fixed when depositing noted items, it would deposit all of them no matter what quantity you chose
[*] Stamina bar is now untoggled and untoggleable when out of stamina
[*] Animal pen: Pigs now give bacon
[*] Added a bacon egg and cheese food recipe.
[*] Fixed bounties not loading properly
[*] Party text chat channel now works
[*] Improved NPC chat bubble sizing
[*] Toggling sprint now stops/starts sprinting immediately
[*] Prevent zoom updating when game is unfocused
[*] Added a fail state to Yohnny's dialogue if you don't have enough caps
[*] Highlighted the side panel tab of current the open side panel
[*] Fixed rarity arrow persisting when swapping to/from an average item