The final part of the main story quest has been added: The Silver Veil! This will give you access to a new zone, with new enemies, and a final boss! (Boss rewards are not fully complete just yet)
EA is almost here. Don't forget to join us in discord and find out how our new, community led, adventurer is fairing.
Please visit our [url=]website[/url] to play the alpha NOW!
__Update 0.2.25__
[*] New enemy: Spore Zombie
[*] New teleport spells the rest of the towns and changed their level reqs
[*] New utility spells: Vulnerability, Enfeeble, Blind, Debilitate, Exposure
[*] Improved Recipes and Nodes tabs in the journal
[*] Changed the player's light to appear pixelated to match the rest of the game
[*] Changed formatting of quest task progress
[*] Nerfed all sledge top end damage by 1
[*] Changed Cattleprod to be Static element
[*] Improved Pestle & Mortar item description
[*] Improved feedback when login fails (i.e. if you didn't verify your email)
[*] Improved rarity text colors to be more legible
[*] Improved visual interactability and tooltips of spells
[*] Changed health/def exp gain on hit to only come from your primary attacker
[*] Shops now buy items at full value listed on the tooltip
[*] Added zone indicator ribbons
[*] Added Boulder spell to Earth Elementals
[*] Added cast times to some spells that prevent you from moving right after casting
[*] Added progress bar to quest menu tasks
[*] Added a game setting to autocast spells by default (in spells menu)
[*] Added visual UI feedback when gaining items
[*] Added chat icons for mods
[*] Added an inventory recipe for making bowstrings
[*] Added a loom to Old Williamsburg.
[*] Added names under Crafters to easily identify them
[*] Added a completed quests section to the quests menu
[*] Added recording for first players to hit level 100
[*] Added some NPCs to Salado's bar
[*] Added a bleeding attack to wolves
[*] Added Bleed cure to Bandages
[*] Added tooltip offset to inv items
[*] Added daily backup for player stats
[*] Added confirmation message if donating a very expensive item
[*] Added a kebab to topright of chat with clear option
[*] Added character origin: fell off the boat bc you were drunk
[*] Added jingle to quest hud animation
[*] Fixed the NW axe-in-the-wall...again
[*] Fixed wrong portrait showing when talking to your companion
[*] Fixed error text for invalid/taken names when pressing the submit button during character creation
[*] Fixed not being able to fight Stone during raid quest
[*] Removed ability to track completed quests
[*] Fixed A Fateful Encounter quest showing last tasks as incomplete
[*] Fixed Kinesis not playing an animation on the player
[*] Fixed chat channel dropdown incorrect naming after "Party"
[*] Fixed casting spells at own companion causing errors
[*] Fixed chat channel editor closing when clicked on
[*] Fixed non-random equipment tooltips not showing value
[*] Fixed settings not persisting in new browser builds
[*] Fixed certain randomized equipment not being tradeable
[*] Fixed register and login tabs missing in Login menu (for PC and browser)