Part 2 of the main questline has arrived along with other fun new enemies and cosmetics.
Please visit our [url=]website[/url] to play the alpha NOW!
__Update 0.2.23__
[*] Added part 2 of the main quest: A Needle In The Wasteland!
[*] Added a new enemy: Earth Elementals. They are powerful harbingers of earthly energy
[*] Added a new cosmetic: the Shark Head!
[*] Added a new SPUR ability: Rock Cleaver! Restricted to swords and can deal extra damage on hit.
[*] Added NPC Portraits!
[*] Added a CRT screen effect. On by default. Can turn it off in the Settings>Screen panel
[*] Added lighting around Salado
[*] Added 2 more main quest Anchor statue outcomes
[*] Your character will now persist when you log out during combat. The logout timer is 20 ticks (8 seconds)
[*] Your client will now try to refresh your login ticket so you dont have to keep relogging in every day
[*] New login menu background and more consistent pixel scaling
[*] Fixed various inconsistencies in the Trailhead tutorials
[*] Added a controls page to the settings
[*] Improved the quest menu's readability
[*] Fixed inability to right-click bank tabs to edit them
[*] Fixed many bugs that prevented you from completing the first main story part.
[*] Fixed Hunters creating perfect carcasses if they killed the animal
[*] Buffed Hunters to be able to compete with Coyotes
[*] Zone indicators have been moved next to the minimap. They will now blink for a short time when activated.
[*] Moved Dalton to the Bayou town and gave him some lyrics when spoken to
[*] Fixed mouse hover label not showing up
[*] Slightly increased entity click boxes so it feels nicer
[*] Fixed messed up sand tiles in Trailhead
[*] Improved performance of item drops spawning
[*] Better caching for player variables
[*] Fixed task hud not updating personal quests
[*] New sandworm equipment item icons
[*] Added UI animation for personal quest updates
[*] The zone indicator will now blink when they appear