New Update - The main quest, part 3

Part 3 of the Main Quest is here. Just one more to go and then...EA in December! Please visit our [url=]website[/url] to play the alpha NOW! __Update 0.2.24__ [list] [*] Added a new main quest part: Mistaken Identity! Just one more part to go! [*] Added a new hub: Northwell Research Center. Found in the icy biome, west of Odyssey Outpost. [*] Redesigned the side panel with new sights and sounds. (We would love to hear feedback on it!) [*] Added heavy rain weather events! Currently it will just soak you to 100% while inside. Appears on coasts. [*] Added a fletcher NPC and shop to Odyssey [*] Added dynamic hunting events. These can be found around certain spawns where there are both hunters and animals. The events will increase spawn rates and drop more varied loot. [*] New game option: Max visible players slider. Control how many players are drawn on the screen at once. Lower is better performance. [*] Controller remapping now works in the Controls menu. [*] Added Quickdraw ability to Cowboys. [*] Added a gap closer ability to Coyotes. [*] Fixed opening settings menu making the login mascot tiny. [*] The amount of time played has been refactored, and essentially been reset for all characters. [*] Added a slight pivot when dragging items around [*] Fixed screen shaking even though setting was toggled off [*] Fixed screen shake not working for combat attacks [*] Moved shortcut settings to the Controls panel [*] Added a reset button for the combat xp allocation menu [*] Added a particle effect when inv items are drag-and-dropped. [*] The stat req is now specified in spell tooltips. [*] Fixed NW raid theme continued playing when logging out during it. [*] Selecting Autocast on a spell that is already being autocasted now toggles it off. [*] Changed the item at the beginning of the game to a Cotton Shirt [*] Fixed the opening boat scene not always showing the spell select tutorial [*] Fixed changing the color of your bank tab hiding the item icon [*] Improved lag spike when first combining items after opening the app [*] Renamed "Workbench" to "Woodworking Bench" for consistency [*] Kinesis will now visually boomerang the item back to you. [*] Fixed Joshua Tree sprites appearing glitchy [*] Selected inv slots will now be unselected after combining items. [*] Fixed snake bunker exit teleport causing infinite movement [*] Players that teleport will leave an animation behind [*] Prevented players with <100 total level from appearing on leaderboards. [*] Improved performance with map caching [*] Improved potion buff tooltips [*] Fixed Earth ele and Cowboys doing 0 damage. [*] Added sounds for Zombies and Earth eles [*] Fixed server status saying it's online when there were no servers available. [*] Fixed an issue with android build taps going through UI [*] Fixed browser builds not working [/list]