Thank you to all who joined us on launch day and for all the bug reports you submitted. Here is what we fixed with your help!
Please keep sending in those reports. We will be supporting this game fully while we develop the remaining content, including the 2nd continent.
As always, join us on Discord [url=]Discord[/url]
__Update 0.3.1 (EARLY ACCESS)__
[*] Added a quick-login/register button for Steam. Registering with Steam will also allow you to skip the email verification process. This is intended to get Steam players up and running quick! (If you want to link your Steam account to an existing Tombstone account, sign in with your TS account first, then go to Options menu > Account tab.)
[*] Adjusted node rates across the board. Mining rocks now deplete 2x slower. Herbs now replenish 2x faster. "Material" plants (like Linen) now yield 2x as much. Trees deplete slower and replenish faster.
[*] Added more Tin and Copper nodes near the cliff ramp east of NW
[*] Set Login buttons as first selected so you can press enter a few times to login quicker
[*] Added ability to filter journal nodes by tool type
[*] If you have enemy names enabled, enemy names will now disappear when they die
[*] Optimization: greatly reduced caching of the boat raid instance.
Bug Fixes
[*] Fixed the tutorial boat raid instance not unloading
[*] Fixed some of your items drops when dying not being able to be picked up again
[*] Fixed the cutscene not exiting when you first meet Cain.
[*] Fixed others not being able to see your cosmetics
[*] Fixed enemies spawning on signs
[*] Fixed an error related to pets. This may fix the pets not despawning when a player leaves.
[*] Fixed not being able to see others skilling animations
[*] Fixed Bait being taken on ticks where you didn't catch a fish
[*] Fixed short hair animation being a frame off
[*] Fixed battle music not stopping after the raid on NW ends Nvm, still occuring
[*] Fixed the dialogue portraits when you first meet Cain
[*] Fixed combination icons on your inv slots not disappearing when the item was deselecting
[*] Fixed the "Sell All" option in shops not giving the correct caps value.
[*] Fixed a rare error when failing a pilfer
[*] Fixed journal not showing recipes
[*] Fixed scaling of the side panel
[*] Remove control rebinding on mobile. This caused a soft lock when pressed