New Update - The calm before the storm

The servers are quite, but we have been busy as bees getting the final updates in place in preparation for Early Access. If you're waiting for the wipe to hop into the game, you can still hop into Discord now! [url=]Discord[/url] __Update 0.2.26__ [list] [*] Added a game-wide feature: Defeating the final boss will now grant you a choice to modify the weather intensities on Boia. This has certain effects on things on the island, including monsters and skilling nodes. [*] New Dialogue Box UI layout. [*] Added new cash shop pets: The Toucan and Parrot! [*] Damaging spells now have their damage scale with your Technomancy level and stat buffs [*] You can now set your respawn point at some towns with Rollin Yohnny [*] Added new Status Effects: Poison, Chill [*] Added new enemies: Glacial Organoids, Predatory Mushrooms [*] Bosses are now much more deadly. They were intended to be group fights, whereas before they were soloable. [*] Added an icon indicator when combining items to show which items are combinable in your inv [*] Added a new achievement for completing "A Needle in the Wasteland" [*] Added missing kill bounties [*] Added ability for some enemies to poison you [*] Added cooldown to /unstuck command [*] Added encryption for locally stored sensitive data, like passwords. You might be required to reinput your password (if saved) on login [*] Added Northwell travel options to Yohnny [*] Added a new cold element damaging spell: Ice Shard [*] Added status immunities to certain enemies. [*] Added Cyborg sounds [*] Added descriptions for all items [*] Added ability to press Esc when dragging an item to cancel dragging it [*] Added UI health bar to the giant snake [*] You may now report the thief in "Mistaken Identity" to Slate for different rewards [*] Changed the Stone Staff to a Sandblaster with new visuals and information [*] Fixed telegraphed tiles not visible [*] Fixed lighting in NW [*] Improved level 30s loot tables [*] Fixed rubberbanding when swimming with high ping [*] Prevented ability to talk to certain enemies if you were attacking them [*] Chat bubbles are now removed/prevented on death [*] Updated some missing portraits [*] Fixed dmg anim not playing when hurt [/list] Android Changes [list] [*] Made side panel tabs double size for easy tapping [*] Made minimap toggle notch larger [*] Fix tap+hold not showing proper menu options [*] Fixed cash shop preview sizing [/list]