Sea Power : Naval Combat in the Missile Age

From the lead designer of Cold Waters, Sea Power lets you control NATO and Warsaw Pact forces in modern naval conflict campaigns. Use your advanced naval weaponry and sensors to respect rules of engagement and defeat the enemy forces in a tense fight for initiative and air/naval supremacy.

Hello everyone and a happy (belated) start into the new week! A new patch is out and we're currently sorting bugs/feedback to prioritize things next! [u][b]Bug Fixes:[/b][/u] [list] [*] Lots of underwater rendering issues [*] Wrong squadron on Ranger [*] Animation error on Slava [*] Lods were misnamed, A-7E, Yak-38 [*] Missing flagpole on Sturgeon SSN [*] Lots of null refs [*] Mast spray foam position was applied incorrectly in code [*] Mast spray positions was incorrect for several submarines [*] Rada mast could influence submarine speed [*] Turya bow polygon fix [*] Restore loading system names into Language Data [*] Standard stuck on ascend while attacking surface targets [*] Weapons could insta-level on altitude at certain conditions [*] Self destruct timer always reset [*] Some missiles missing required TerminalDiveDistance [*] Mi-14 main rotor rotating in the wrong direction [*] AH-1 J T rotors offset/wobbling fix, max swashplate angle adjusted to prevent clipping into fuselage mesh on tilting [*] H700 had wrong pilot model [*] ARM could not attack land units [*] SA-2 site still not ideal but at least it is killable now [*] Seasprite tail rotor clipping trough Knox hangar doors [*] Underwater vegetation had wrong bounding boxes which led to flickering depending on camera angle [*] Some controls like slow free cam move did not work anymore [*] Added missing Cuban flag for 3d [*] Credits should now work after mission exit [*] Aircraft formation change handling while RTB [*] SARH missiles self destructed at the start of terminal [*] EA-6B missing proper fueltanks [*] SA-6 added missing launch effect for 3m9m4 missile [*] P6, Turya, Shershen variants flags fixes, added missing P6 variant50 entry [*] Osa 1 DDR flag fix [*] Type 205 Danish flags fix for Danish boats [/list] [u][b]Improvements/Additions:[/b][/u] [list] [*] Russian, Chinese and German translation [*] Anti-air SARH and RC-only missiles are self destructed when connection is lost [*] Shootdown effects for C340, H700 [*] Smoothed out APK-8 pod model [*] Changed name of Air Koryo to correct Korean lettering [*] Adjusted variants files for Okean, Okean Mod, Zhuk ME, Tarantul RE [*] Small ship hits fx tweaks [*] Foxtrot and Kilo variants adjustments [/list]