Sea Power : Naval Combat in the Missile Age

From the lead designer of Cold Waters, Sea Power lets you control NATO and Warsaw Pact forces in modern naval conflict campaigns. Use your advanced naval weaponry and sensors to respect rules of engagement and defeat the enemy forces in a tense fight for initiative and air/naval supremacy.

Dear all! Our second patch is there with having memory improvements and crash related fixes. There are still a lot of issues to be fixed but we're working hard on it to further improve every aspect of the game. Saving/Loading will come with one of the next updates too! [u][b]Bug Fixes:[/b][/u] [list] [*] Moskva class CVGH had Titan sonar instead Orion [*] P-3C Orion now has AN/APS-115 Radar [*] Typo in Dong Hoi Briefing [*] SS-N-14 missile causing duplicate torpedos [*] T-55 gun swapped for proper D-10 [*] Map fullscreen state machine [*] Logger should work faster now, also fixed System.IO.IOException [*] Description error: 403 is OPLAP, not ODLAP [*] Hyperlinks in tutorials [*] Typo in Tu-154 Description [*] Pause music when playing video tutorial [*] Memory leak in map texture creation (thank you BroodjeKipcorn!) [*] IRINA SH-3D description [*] Weapon status was not changed by Winchester [*] Aircraft went to weird behaviour when RTB to broken FlightDeck [*] Block Request ID if own unit is not selected [*] Mission Editor: Formation Type was not read from mission file correctly [*] Mission Editor: Aircrafts not teleported to 85k feet in Circle formation [*] Wingmen of Circle Formation were loaded with twice the height of a leader [*] There was a typo in a string here that might have been causing the "NOESIS: BBCode tag '%s' color property value '%s' is not a valid color string" spam [*] Add a way to pass through Key in getText as the standard error format breaks BBCode formatting. [*] Ivan Franko class are in Liners category now [*] Height calculation job could be done for destroyed units [*] Null ref in ObjectsManager when LOD object is missing [*] Lots of null refs [*] Race condition in terrain chunk [*] Texture leak in ocean [*] Texture leak in terrain system [/list] [u][b]Improvements:[/b][/u] [list] [*] Russian, German and Chinese translation [*] Tweaked a crutch in guns aiming [*] Rebalanced time compression limits for gun and CIWS [*] Bring initial UnitMetadata Loading under the control of the loadscreen (should reduce blank screen time on startup) [*] Added backward compartibility case when singular Condition if is specified for ConditionsCompleted property without <> brackets [*] Rollout of virtual ini files to all language files (i.e. systemgroups and ammunition_names were missing) [*] Il-62 damage models [*] Added many missing lods on aircraft [*] QOL: Unit Ref in toolbar in Mission Editor [*] QOL: Quick Access to Weapon Info from Bottom Bar [*] Auto rebasing of air units [/list]