Major Update Notice - September 24th (Tue)

Commander Quest

Congratulations! You just found a 'one of a kind' roguelike that combines deck-building card game and real-time strategy game! Consider unit counters, then create powerful synergy by breaking down the boundaries between the battlefield and cards, then lead your army to victory!

We acknowledge the opinions of the commanders regarding the balance of combat difficulty. We are currently readjusting the overall combat balance, including the latter part of the prologue that was frequently mentioned. This work will be provided as a hotfix before the regular update as soon as it is completed, so thank you for your patience! [h3][b][/b][/h3] [list] [*] Fixed the issue where cards were not displayed correctly in card rewards. [*] Changed the 'Barricade' of the 'Castle Awaiting Salvation' to an allied unit. [/list] [h3][b][/b][/h3] [list] [*] Adjusted unit balance.[list] [*] Card cost change: 1 > 0 [/list] [*] Changed relic balance and rarity.[list] [*] Healing Hand: Rarity changed (Normal > Rare) [*] Minecart (Gains Steel each turn): Rarity changed (Normal > Rare), Steel gain changed from 5 > 10 [*] Incandescent Furnace (Reduced Steel consumption): Rarity changed (Rare > Epic), Steel consumption reduced from 5 > 10 [*] Lock: Effect changed (Reuse base cards and reduce user’s max mana by 1 > Reuse base cards and increase base card cost by 1) [*] Shining Crown: Rarity changed (Rare > Legendary) [*] Golden Sword: Changed from +1/+1 every 250 Gold > +1/+1 every 200 Gold [*] Bag of Gold: Rarity changed (Normal > Rare), Gold gain changed from 150 > 200 [*] Goblin Savings: Changed to gain additional 10 Gold until collecting 500 Gold > Additional 20 Gold until collecting 600 Gold [*] Treasure Map: Changed to convert every 5th visited unknown to a relic > Convert every 4th visited unknown to a relic [*] Curse Stone: Health increased by 2 for each curse card in the deck > Health increased by 3 [*] Owlbear Oil (Increased explosion damage): Rarity changed (Rare > Epic) [*] Crystal Orb (Order of cards to be drawn): Rarity changed (Boss > Rare) [*] Rune Stone (1 mana on the first turn): Rarity changed (Epic > Rare) [*] Horn of Plenty (Gain 1 mana every 4 turns): Rarity changed (Legendary > Epic) [*] Spiderweb Pendant: Rarity changed (Rare > Normal) [*] Hawk's Eye: Rarity changed (Epic > Rare) [*] Jar of Fire (Double burn damage): Rarity changed (Epic > Legendary) [*] Builder's Hammer: Changed from restoring 3 health when using base card > Gain 5 max health, Rarity changed (Normal > Rare) [*] Eagle Feathers: Rarity changed (Rare > Epic) [*] Explosive Tag: Rarity changed (Rare > Epic) [*] Dandelion Ink (Strengthens when acquiring cards from this category): Rarity changed (Epic > Rare) [*] Herb-Glow Ink (Strengthens when acquiring cards from this category): Rarity changed (Epic > Rare) [*] Blueberry Ink (Strengthens when acquiring cards from this category): Rarity changed (Epic > Rare) [*] Dowsing Rod (Draw 2 additional cards on the first turn): Rarity changed (Rare > Normal) [*] Cracked Shield: Rarity changed (Epic > Legendary) [*] Bone Staff: Rarity changed (Epic > Rare) [*] Five-Tier Lunch Box: Rarity changed (Epic > Rare) [*] Toy Lever (Refresh cards 3 times): Rarity changed (Epic > Normal) [*] Evil Hand: Changed to gain 50 Gold each time a curse card is acquired > Gain 66 Gold [*] Wheel Barrow: Reduced cost of summon cards with 4 or more mana by 1 > Reduced cost of summon cards with 3 or more mana by 1 [*] Excavation Brush (Removed 1 card reward slot, added 1 relic reward slot): Rarity changed (Epic > Rare) [*] Tapestry: Rarity changed (Epic > Rare) [*] Dragon Face Tile: Rarity changed (Epic > Rare) [/list][/list] [h3][b][/b][/h3] [list] [*] Added a toggle button for shortcut displays in the HUD. [*] Improved the animation when the commander is hit. [*] Enhanced effects displayed based on card rarity when selecting card rewards. [*] Replaced some event illustrations. [*] Increased the display time of enemy commander speech bubbles (3 > 5 seconds). [*] Changed the difficulty name to 'Penance'. [*] Changed the point enhancement name to 'Embers Upgrade'. [/list] [h3][b][/b][/h3] [list] [*] Added stages 8 to 10 of Penance.[list] [*] Stage 8: In regular battles, enemy units’ movement speed increases by 1. [*] Stage 9: In dangerous battles and boss battles, enemy units summoned on the first turn gain 1 protection. [*] Stage 10: In regular battles, enemy units summoned on the first turn gain 1 protection. [/list][/list]