Release Date & Language Support Announcement

Commander Quest

Congratulations! You just found a 'one of a kind' roguelike that combines deck-building card game and real-time strategy game! Consider unit counters, then create powerful synergy by breaking down the boundaries between the battlefield and cards, then lead your army to victory!

Hello, Commanders! We’re here to share some important updates with you. [h3][b]Release Plan Changes[/b][/h3] Since the launch of the Commander Quest demo build, we’ve received valuable feedback and data from many of you. Based on these insights, we’ve decided that it would be better to release the game in a more “refined” and “enjoyable” state. We believe this will be more beneficial for all Commanders. We are grateful to everyone who has provided feedback so far and to those who will contribute in the future. We will continue to keep the demo open and work on developing the game together with you. We will proudly release Commander Quest when it can deliver ample fun and an uninterrupted experience. Thanks to your enthusiastic feedback and engagement, we expect this to happen in the first half of 2025. [h3][b]Language Support Plan[/b][/h3] Currently, the Commander Quest demo supports two languages: "English" and "Korean." Thanks to your support, we are planning to add more languages. [h3][b]September 13, 2024[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Simplified Chinese: Full Support [/list] [h3][b]October 7, 2024[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Russian: Full Support [*] Japanese: Full Support [*] German: Beta Support [*] Spanish: Beta Support [*] Traditional Chinese: Beta Support [*] Portuguese (Brazil): Beta Support [*] Polish: Beta Support [/list] [h3][b]Release Timing[/b][/h3] [list] [*] German: Full Support [*] Spanish: Full Support [*] Traditional Chinese: Full Support [*] Portuguese (Brazil): Full Support [*] Polish: Full Support [/list] We are always thankful for the support from Commanders around the world. ※ Please note that the above plans are subject to change based on the development team's situation.