Kingdom Under Fire: A War of Heroes (GOLD Edition)

- World first to achieve a successful serverless online gaming feature by utilizing Locus Chain Blockchain technology - RPG game mode with multi-play capability - Unique RTS/RPG Hybrid

Kingdom Under Fire v1.334 [list] [*]Voice language switching function [olist] [*]Improved voice language change with alt+O to take effect immediately without restarting. [*]Added Japanese, German, Polish, and Mandarin Chinese voice languages. [*]Fixed the problem where some voices such as Celine and Rick Blood did not come out due to problems with Japanese voice resources. [*]Fixed the problem where some voices such as Demons and Dragons did not come out due to problems with German voice resources. [*]If the voice data is missing in the selected local language voice resource, English voice is played instead. [/olist] [*]Human Alliance [olist] [*]Modified Gernot to be able to use Charge, Long Range Divine Light, and Holy Aura even before the skills are developed. [*](Gold<-Casual) Allows Bomber Wing to melee air units. However, it also takes splash damage. [*](Casual/Family) Astral Gate lifespan increased from 16 units to 50 units. [*](Casual/Family) When Curian's Freeze is cast on a Dragon summoned by Keither, the duration of the effect is reduced by 60% compared to other units. [/olist] [*]Dark Legion [olist] [*](Gold<-Casual) Reduces Shadow Puppet's explosion delay from 1.4 seconds to 1 second. [*](Casual/Family) Vampires and Liches are no longer affected by corruption. Also, Swamp Mammoths do not become zombies and will switch sides if they survive taking damage equal to half their MaxHP. [*](Casual/Family) Reduces web duration by 40% against Night Templars, Ogres, Swamp Mammoths, Dragons, and Bone Dragons. [/olist] [*]Common [olist] [*]Fixed an issue where units would instantly remotely attack out of range when a new enemy unit came into sight while attacking a building [*]Fixed an issue where a unit would stop and float while approaching another nearby enemy building whilst the enemy unit it was tracking was getting far away. [*]Fixed an issue where multiple units of one player could get stuck on each other at the entrance to a narrow passage. [*]When selecting a leader and issuing a skill command, units of the same type in the leader's group will now perform the command together. [*]Fixed the problem where the existing leader group was deselected when another group was quickly designated whilst one leader group was selected. [*]Fixed an issue where selecting a leader while holding ctrl+shift would select all buildings on the screen. [/olist] [*]System [olist] [*]Changed the function of the `(backquote) key to select hero and select leader (+shift) [*]Change the function of period key to leader selection. shift+period is leader selection on reverse direction. The reverse resting worker selection function originally assigned to period was moved to the shift+comma key. [*]Added reverse hero selection function on shift+/ key, and hero selection function using / key. [/olist][/list] Locus Game Chain [list][*]Added lobby chat function [/list]