Kingdom Under Fire Update 10th July 2023

Kingdom Under Fire: A War of Heroes (GOLD Edition)

- World first to achieve a successful serverless online gaming feature by utilizing Locus Chain Blockchain technology - RPG game mode with multi-play capability - Unique RTS/RPG Hybrid

Kingdom Under Fire 1.337 [list] System [olist] [*]Added support for Spanish text. [*]Improved rendering routines for European language text and in-game chat fonts. [*]Changed in-game status bar to display in bitmap font regardless of text language. [*]Fixed the problem where the text was broken depending on the OS local setting when selecting Traditional or Simplified Chinese text. [*]Fixed an issue where Simplified Chinese was not detected correctly with language setting of AUTO. [*]Fixed an issue where all players did not start with the same number of workers in single player casual games. [*]Fixed an issue where the function Allies Starting in Adjacent did not work properly. [/olist] Human Alliance [olist] [*]Reduced the Knight Templar's 110% ATK attack against Ogres to 100%. [*]Dome of Negation now neutralizes enemy's and ally's Fiery Blast's explosive splash effect. [*](Gold) Divine Light reveals enemies' Dome of Negation within the area. [*](Gold) Modified Energy Burst so it no longer chases the bats all the way to the end. [*](Casual) Increases attack power from 50% ATK to 70% when an Elven Ranger shoots Balloons, Dirigibles, and Demons. [/olist] Dark Legion [olist] [*]Added an effect that reduces the remaining time by 1/3 of the maximum time when using Demon's Stinking Mist at the center of the Dome of Negation. [*]Increased a Bone Dragon's initial MP from 50 to 70 [*](Gold) While selecting a unit that has an Evil Eye planted on, all Dome of Negations on that unit's side will be revealed. [*](Gold) Lich's pentagram can now be used inside the Dome of Negation. [*](Casual) Shadow Puppet is now 50% resistant to explosion damage from nearby Shadow Puppets. [*](Casual) While the Ogre is in bloodlust state, every time it hits a unit, it recovers a small amount of HP. Terror immunity in bloodlust state is removed. [/olist] Common [olist] [*]Ground units trained in buildings can now pass narrow passages between buildings within a certain distance while on their way to the rally point. [*]Fixed the problem where an observer's selected unit was de-selected when it becomes invisible. [*]Fixed an issue where melee units in attack movement would sometimes stop in place while tracking enemies. [/olist][/list] Locus GameChain [list] [*]In addition to lobbies and waiting rooms, users can now send and receive whispers with users in multiplayer games. [*]Fixed an issue where the waiting room was sometimes not visible in the lobby. [/list]