Great news about Archtower!


Archtower is a mixture of ARPG and Roguelite. Explore the mysterious Tower, build your characters, improve and develop your clan. Use different skills from power crystals to optimize your builds. And try to survive. But don't worry, the game gives you options to keep your life and loot on defeat.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41710134/7cdbe08f2086a8a6b0892839007a7481139f1264.gif[/img] Got an incredible gift from Steam yesterday morning 🎉 Archtower has finally got rid of the "Profile Features Limited" tag! This is the best new year's gift ever! 🎁 What it means: -No limit of 100 achievements for the game 🏆 -Community items are available: (I'll add it later, closer to the beta release) [list][*]trading cards 🧧 [*]badges 💎 [*]emoticons 😀 [*]profile backgrounds 🌆 [*]animated avatars 🏄 [*]other profile customization elements 🔮[/list] -You can add Archtower and its achievements to profile showcases -Archtower and its achievements are now counted in game and achievement counters Thank you all for your support, together we could overcome this extremely important milestone! Let's keep pushing fast forward! 🚀