Archtower v0.5.9.0 patchnotes


Archtower is a mixture of ARPG and Roguelite. Explore the mysterious Tower, build your characters, improve and develop your clan. Use different skills from power crystals to optimize your builds. And try to survive. But don't worry, the game gives you options to keep your life and loot on defeat.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41710134/6dfd60a48e809994637d8afd7aba9e36b086e5f3.gif[/img] [b]Archtower v0.5.9.0 build is ready![/b] Free Demo updated as well. [b]v0.5.9.0 Patchnotes:[/b] [expand type=details] [h3][b]WHAT'S NEW[/b][/h3] [list] [b]-Alpha and Demo-[/b] [*] Clan Hall is filled with decorations and new characters [*] New quest in the Clan Hall [b]-Only for Alpha-[/b] [*] New quests in the Clan Hall after Act 2 [*] New big quest line in the Clan's Domain after Act 3 [*] Some new quest locations [*] 2 new music tracks [*] New quest enemies [*] New quest miniboss [*] New quest boss [*] You can get a cat in the clan's domain by quests [*] Maximum hero level increased to 19 [*] Maximum clan level increased to 70 [*] 2 new achievements of rare quality [*] 5 new achievements of epic quality [/list] [h3][b]CHANGES[/b][/h3] [list] [b]-Only for Alpha-[/b] [*] Reworked weapon damage calculation formulas for crossbows and pistols (will not affect old items) [*] Added indication when mobs restore charges [*] New options in the hospital are unlocked by quests [*] Achievements “Trauma center” and “Medical advancements” require 2 times less [*] Other minor changes [/list] [h3][b]FIXES[/b][/h3] [list] [b]-Alpha and Demo-[/b] [*] Minor edits in localization text [*] Fixed incorrect height of combat text flying out of enemies [*] Other minor fixes [b]-Only for Alpha-[/b] [*] Bugfix, clan mark only worked from clan level 25, not level 10 [*] Bugfix, persuasion was not working correctly for Fighters [*] Bugfix, Act 3 boss now has the correct reaction sound for poison gas and spits [*] Rare Merchant still can't be obtained on the same floor twice in a row in normal mode, but can be obtained by going through the same arena [*] Fixed some non-parryable mob attacks not working properly [*] Bugfix, the bomblet with bleed wasn't causing blood splatters [*] Bugfix, Harbinger, Pugilist, and Chemist were not counted for achievements for the number of unlocked classes [*] Bugfix, Hound would sometimes get stuck when entering a room with a troll on 9-3 [*] Bugfix, it was possible to escape with 100%+ overload if you picked up extra items during the escape process [*] Other minor fixes [/list][/expand] [previewyoutube=cwBx1ClllM8;full][/previewyoutube]