Small update 0.98 on [default] branch

Slasher's Keep

Hack, slash, shoot and loot your way through procedurally generated dungeons! Smack your enemies into spikes with your inventory sack!

0.98 [list] [*]Added sounds for slashing cobwebs and keys dropping. [*]Replaced item image for 1 gem and 5 misc components [*]Fixed an issue with chairs spawning on beds in dungeon type 3. [*]And another one with pots spawning in wardrobes. [*]And another with mages spawning in beds. [*]Mages will no longer cast dmg bonus buffs when they're in a room with only bomber type skulls. [*]Fixed an issue with the giant spider continuing the jumping sequence while dying. [*]Hit indicator graphics should now be more accurate. [*]Spiderlings and black widows now have to be properly airborne to be able to deal damage. Also changed their flight curve a bit. [*]Fixed an issue with water noises getting repeated weirdly when heard from outside a room. [*]Bloodmoth corpses now stick to spikes. [*]There should now be fewer skulls in arcade type rooms. They also have a shorter attack interval. [*]Fixed an issue with item amounts not being displayed on the hotbar right after assigning consumables to a hotkey. [*]Fixed some minor weirdness with movement of bomber type skulls. [*]Fixed a bug that could cause shortsword thrusts to not deal damage sometimes. [*]Resolved an issue with floating boards at wall transitions between climbing shaft type rooms and spikey floor grate upper rooms in dungeon type 2. [*]Fixed an issue with floating boards leading down a climbing shaft that connects two parts of a dungeon in dungeon type 2. [*]Fixed a bug that could cause doors to upper levels of rooms to be blocked by misplaced walls in rare cases in dungeon type 3. [*]Fixed a bug that could result in exit ladders not working correctly, leaving the player stuck on the bottom floor. [*]Crystals in turrets now go grey when switched off. [*]Increased damage output of the Thorns skill. [*]Some minor tweaks, visual and otherwise. [/list] To opt into the beta branch right-click on Slasher's Keep in your Steam library, select Properties, click the Betas tab, then select the beta branch from the drop-down menu. This update will upgrade your savegames upon loading. You will get a new current dungeon floor but your character and inventory will remain untouched. Edit: Uploaded a hotfix for a bug created by a fix in the last update It would cause the player to not be able to die if they had already died once before