Game's out of Early Access

Slasher's Keep

Hack, slash, shoot and loot your way through procedurally generated dungeons! Smack your enemies into spikes with your inventory sack!

Hackers, Slashers, Shooters and Looters, Today I offer my sincerest thanks to all of you who have given Slasher's Keep a shot in Early Access. Without you I could never have built this thing. Any game requires player feedback to find its way through development but this one is particularly fickle, what with all the random generation and whatnot. Development turned out far more complex than anticipated. Incidentally that's lesson number one of game development; everything takes longer and nothing turns out exactly as expected. I've added more stuff to the game than I had initially planned and kept adding stuff and changing things up in accordance with your suggestions and my own idea of how the game should play. It was never going to be 100% jank free, but I found that some of the jank becomes part of its character (honestly not an excuse). Let me tell you something about suggestions by the way: They really are useful, even if not implementable exactly the way they're put forward. They show you where people's priorities lie and can spark new ideas in your own mind. As for the oft-requested localization option: Not on the budget right now, maybe in the future. Anyway, at this point I'm satisfied with how the game turned out and I am releasing it from Early Access. I'll stick around though, -Damian