Small patch 1.33 now live on [default] branch

Slasher's Keep

Hack, slash, shoot and loot your way through procedurally generated dungeons! Smack your enemies into spikes with your inventory sack!

1.33b [list] [*]Fixed an issue with the secret code spawning inside of paintings in dungeon type 3 in very rare cases. [*]Also, the scroll with the secret code will now only appear on a plain wall if there was no other position available (such as in a wardrobe or on a pillar). [*]Added the Spectral Mastery skill. This skill will cause full swings to fire a projectile causing a percentage of melee damage, on the condition that your character is at maximum HP. [/list] Edit: [list] [*]Fixed a bug that would prevent the Distilled Gunk item from working after loading a savegame. [/list] This update will upgrade your savegames upon loading. That means you will get a new dungeon floor of the same level but your character and inventory will remain unchanged. To opt into the beta branch right-click on Slasher's Keep in your Steam library, select Properties, click the Betas tab, then select the beta branch from the drop-down menu. I'm sorry about that bug. To atone for my failing to notice it earlier I added another skill to the game. Please let me know right here if you find anything unusual with this build. I'll test it some more and push it to the default branch in a few days. Edit: Set the build live on the default branch. Do let me know right here if this broke something (other than it having to upgrade your savegames, that's intended).