0.4.3 Changelog
- Added player skills UI (book icon left to the information menu)
- Added instruction on how to close starting note at the end of the note.
- Harvesting cannabis/ tobacco has 20% chance of giving between 0.01 and 1.00 agriculture skill
- Jars in shop now only contain 1500 ml of seeds (down from 5000)
- SR-4C is now locked in demo
- Lower range combat skill worsens NPC aim
- Zones now display no. of items & objects
- NPC drying now requires creating production zones (with drying racks in them)
- NPCs can now use multiple drying strings
- Hitting someone has 10% chance of giving between 0.01 and 1.00 range combat skill
- Zones, inputs and outputs can now be deleted in the worklines editor
- Fixed crash when cutting tree while pushing
- Fixed items not getting added to newly created zones
- Fixed NPC pausing harvest at crop that isn't finished growing
- Fixed crash when trying to put cannabis into a container
- Fixed crash when trying to export volume items
- Fixed first interaction popup not getting deleted anymore
- Fixed magazines not being drawn when items are on the ground
- Zones with 1 height/width don't cause infinite loop on selection anymore
- NPC drying no longer gets blocked from items on the ground/ unrelated zones
- Optimized the NPC drying script
- Fixed some UI issues at 2560x1440 resolution
- Volumes in jars & ziplock bags are now drawn in store