Window Scaling Fixed + World 3 polish

This patch was [i]really[/i] focused on improving World 3. It's still to early for full 60fps support, but these enhancements so smooth out the worst bugs, while generally improving the game feel! [h3]FIXES[/h3] -Window scaling - The menu/shell layer and individual Worlds were not properly scaling for some users. If you were previously unable to play the game properly in fullscreen, please do try it now and let us know if it works properly. -Bottles (should??) now save -Challenge fixes [h3]WORLD 3 REWORKS[/h3] -Redone focus camera -Updated text bubbles -improved water interactions [h3]VISUAL IMPROVEMENTS[/h3] Here is the first post-release visual update!! It's simple. But after nearly 12 years, it's pretty awesome to see old placeholder art being swapped out!! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890907/4cc699c43240cfd25e856ad877a8c518cf202f3c.gif[/img] ([i]The original, Flash version of the wall break[/i]) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890907/ddc32a74222957c0db3357ff5dcc8985751834f2.gif[/img] ([i]The [b]all new[/b] animation, specific to the Classic Pack![/i]) Brad is eager to clear up as many bugs as he can, before going [i]deep[/i] on the graphical updates for World 3! There are a LOT of unfinished areas in the game he'd like to spice up while he's busy digging into everything again. ([i]Reminder: this will be all NEW art, as the console versions of the game are owned by OTT/EA[/i]) We have a close eye on the [url=]bug reporting thread[/url], as well as the [url=]Discord[/url] thread. While I hope this patch addressed many issues, we're aware there are several in World 1 and 2 that still need to be addressed. Thank you all for the feedback, and positive reviews! The work continues, as we edge nearer to all the most fun updates! Cheers, -Graeme