Celebrating 18 years!

The Fancy Pants Adventures: Classic Pack

The classic Flash game series, compiled as the ultimate Fancy Pants fan collection - with updated visuals, loads of bonus features, and brand new Back Pages bonus levels. Follow along in Early Access, as creator Brad Borne brings these games back to their former glory. Run Fast, Run Fancy!

[u][h2]18 YEARS OLD!![/h2][/u] Today marks the 18th Anniversary of [b]The Fancy Pants Adventure: World 1[/b] originally being released on browsers!! Come hang out in the [url=https://discord.gg/NujPav6]official Discord[/url] if you want to share in the fun and nostalgia with other Fancy Pants fans! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890907/2341f1786c4291c7a9156f50087cb4a9aa367725.png[/img] Today also kicks off the [b]Steam Spring Sale[/b]! Unfortunately the Classic Pack is on a post-launch discount "cooldown", so it remains at full price. However, Super Fancy Pants IS on sale this week, with [u]extra 20% off BOTH games[/u] in the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/22346/The_Complete_Fancy_Pants_Adventures/][b]Complete Fancy Pants Adventures[/b][/url] bundle! https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/22346/The_Complete_Fancy_Pants_Adventures/ [u][h2]UPDATE[/h2][/u] Brad is on a major bug squashing blitz. Hopefully once the worst of those remaining are cleared up, development can enter a nice balanced state - equally crossing off minor bugs, while polishing up and [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1668460/view/4159708130886507352]further enhancing World 3[/url]! [h3]PERFORMANCE[/h3] The Classic Pack includes 3 different game engines, all needing to talk to one another. The engines are mismatches in handling the "Quality" settings, which was absolutely [i]tanking[/i] performance for some users! While this patch should see large improvements to performance overall, we've only been able to tested on a limited number of machines. If you do experience obvious performance issues after this update, please let us know, and try to include the following: [list][*] In what World(s) you felt any struggle? [*] Are playing windowed/fullscreen? [*] Have you tried toying with Quality settings? [*] Including your computer specs couldn't hurt![/list] [h3]FIXES[/h3] -LOTS done to the royal bathtub. This area was prone to causing all sorts of bugs, and a few crashes. PLEASE let us know if the crashing persists!! -Cleaned up "phantom" Squiggles [h3]UPCOMING[/h3] Brad is also working on memory usage in World 3. This will be a stepping stone towards 60fps support. But even before then, this work should also make a difference in performance! For anyone who is interested in a peek at the sort of work Brad has to do to get these things working: [quote=Brad Borne]Next refactoring of World 3 should probably be the selecting caching system, especially if we want to up the res on W3, would bring memory usage down a ton and is probably the simplest change to make, can prioritize levels that take up more memory[/quote] I [u]cannot overstate[/u] how much more complex bringing World 3 up to 60fps will be than it was for World's 1 and 2. Please bear with us! (I say us. I'm just here for support. It will all come down to Brad and some playtesters!!) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890907/f1d783b55b382643e2aa902c56894191546b99e1.png[/img] Thank you all for the support!! Stay Fancy