[h2]EARLY ACCESS[/h2] A reminder, we are launching in [u][b]EARLY ACCESS[/b][/u]. Bugs are to be expected, and more content will follow! [url=https://discord.gg/NujPav6]The Fancy Pants Discord[/url] will remain the best way to follow development. We are pleased to offer "Classic" versions of all 3 base Worlds right from launch! Features like Achievements, Steam Cloud, and Trading Cards will come at a later date. There's polish to be added all around. And we plan to jam PACK this thing full of extra content - driven largely by community suggestions. After nearly 2 decades of work on this series, it felt wrong to not embrace this wonderful community by opening things up through Early Access. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890907/5b800b1e3140e6bb191be98b2f93f2a9f52da903.gif[/img] [h3]LAUNCH[/h3] Nearly 18 years after World 1 launched in browsers, and 2.5 years [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1668460/view/4696675601985587108]after[/url] the announcement that [b]The Fancy Pants Adventures: Classic Pack[/b] would be coming to Steam, the time has [b]finally[/b] come!! Development had to [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1668460/view/3075389148961232684?snr=1___]stop[/url] and [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1668460/view/3391800648160863736?snr=1___]start[/url] more than once, we had some [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1668460/view/3976182006239236684]major meltdowns[/url] at the finish line, and it's such a relief to clear this milestone! Brad has always preferred an open development approach. He built the first few Worlds in college, surrounded by people who could test things for him. We want the development process to once again be shared with the public! [h3]PRICING AND DISCOUNTS[/h3] [b]Localized pricing[/b] is pending final approval, but when live, should offer fair pricing in all currencies offered by Steam. That should be ready in a [u]matter of hours[/u]. Pick the game up through a [url=https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/22346/The_Complete_Fancy_Pants_Adventures/]bundled discount[/url] with Super Fancy Pants Adventures. The extra discount will automatically apply for those who already own Super! (also, Super will be 50% off starting Feb 19th. Sorry that's not quite synched up) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890907/053dc97330788b64a025f1289462ea314901222f.gif[/img] [h2]DEVELOPMENT[/h2] Getting these old Flash games to run by modern standards has shaped up to be a Herculean task! Even just getting the original versions to run in 16:9 at 60fps has introduced loads of challenges. "[i]I'm just trying to not spend too much time trying to figure out how to basically hack flash into doing what I want it to - but I've gotten better at understanding some more advanced AS2 stuff (like 20 years too late lulz), so that helps at least[/i]" - Brad on the Classic Pack's Development There are many small changes that will likely be imperceptible. For instance: [list] [*] Leveling caching had to be rebuilt multiple times for optimized performance, and to support additional resolution options (not something Flash likes...) [*] World 2 now has improved jump input buffering to help with chaining together jumps! [*] Or the snail shell code, which ended up being easier to fully rewrite. [*] Everything in World 3 was saved as variables dumped in the root. This was nearly impossible to track, and Brad had to rip it all out, and rewrite everything as arrays. [*] Not to mention countless bugs that have been squashed - alongside brand new introduced through this whole process![/list] Things were changing so much right up until today, that we're launching without a proper trailer... I've uploaded a little teaser of the Classic Worlds in action. But a proper launch trailer will be coming soon!! We can't thank you enough for your support through - not just through this long and winding development - but through Fancy Pants' full history! It means the world that so many people would show up for these games and voice their love and support. I feel so honored to now be a part of this incredible legacy! -Graeme (2 Left Thumbs) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890907/bfeeca2a98fa814c5d0c667eec3666d137382f3e.gif[/img] [h3]FEELING NOSTALGIC?[/h3] Fancy Pants isn't the only series 2 Left Thumbs is working to bring back to Steam! You can play the original 2 [b]William and Sly[/b] games entirely for Free TODAY! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2684790/William_and_Sly_Classic_Collection/ And please be sure to [b]Wishlist[/b] the upcoming, fully 3D sequel being made by the series original creator, Lukas Paakh. The first public demo is coming [i]soon[/i]! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2459620/William_and_Sly/