[h3][u]THE ISSUE[/u][/h3]
As Flash, AIR, Harman and practically every bit of software needed to make the Fancy Pants games run have been slowly depreciating - ever since Adobe left Flash in the dust - it's become increasingly likely for older machines to struggle.
This has most commonly manifested as the dreaded [i]White Screen Bug[/i].
When booting the game, you'll be confronted with a blank, white screen (sometimes with audio still playing). If you've been playing on Windows 10 or newer, it's unlikely you've encountered this bug. But for older machines, it's often rendered the game completely unplayable!!
[h3][u]THE SOLUTION[/u] (?)[/h3]
Brad has crafted a custom solution!! This entire Pack is a testament to Brad's ability to problem solve, and force these old games to work. So why not patch in yet another custom workaround to [u]dramatically improve[/u] the game's overall compatibility?!
When the Classic Pack now boots, it will run a quick check as to whether your PC will support either the Enhanced or "Constrained" version of things. If your computer can only handle the latter, it will instead flip over to a DirectX9 version!
Brad works on a Mac, now rendering out a Windows built of the game that forces the use of legacy APIs. After some beta testing in the Discord, we're [i]mostly[/i] confident this will make the game playable for more users without breaking anything for those running the default "Enhanced" version.
Confirming the game still runs well on modern machines AND reports on how the game now runs on older machines will be equally valuable to us! Thank you for all your support.
Stay Fancy
PS. Super Fancy Pants Adventure is 50% of 2 more days! You can grab that game by itself, OR in a bundle with the Classic Pack for an extra discount. (A White Screen fix for Super will hopefully be coming soon!!)