[h2]Back to work![/h2]
When we announced that production of the [b]Classic Pack[/b] had been delayed, we didn't anticipate that hiatus growing into a full YEAR! I offer up our sincerest apologies for that. But best not to dwell on it, and we can instead focus on the hype for our reinvigorated development!
We don't want to share too much too early. And [i]certainly[/i] don't want to make any promises of release dates/windows at this stage. We'll ease back into things slowly. Staring off today, sharing some of the cool things Brad has been doing behind the scenes to optimize this experience!
Flash games are crafted in infinitely-scalable vector art. Brad has now rendered out the game files at a whopping 4k resolution (roughly [b]7x larger[/b] than the original browser version, if you can believe it!). I worry I am making that process sound easier than it is... It took some serious programming wizardry to not only make that playable, but to make the experience [i]smooooth[/i] as well.
Get a load of that [u]Widescreen support[/u] while we're at it!
Adobe Flash has [i]many[/i] limitations that wouldn't usually allow anyone to take full advantage of such high resolutions. Adding that support again took an abundance of technical know-how from Brad!
And he has now rigged things up, so levels load near-instantly - despite being FAR larger than what Flash could normally support, let alone load anything that size in a timely manner.
Levels now load SO quickly, that there isn't even time for the scribbled-in white transition animation. We'll likely have to add in a faked minimum load time, just to keep that fun effect in place!
We are excited to share more as development progresses, and we cannot thank you enough for your patience! Our time away from the project allowed as to come back with renewed confidence, and we (especially Brad) are overflowing with a wealth of ideas of how to make this Pack the best it can be. Hopefully we can share some teases for that soon enough :)
(2 Left Thumbs)