Here's to 17 Fancy years of fun!

[h1]ANNIVERSARY[/h1] Today is the [b]17th ANNIVERSARY[/b] of the release of [url=]World 1[/url]! Perhaps not the [i]flash[/i]iest of milestones (although the series is ironically rooted in [i]Flash[/i]…) Regardless, we couldn’t let this date pass by without providing an update, and our reassurance that the [b]FPA: Classic Pack[/b] is still in production! A little over 2 years ago I did an interview with Brad to discuss the history of Fancy Pants, to reminisce over the glory days of Flash creation, and commiserate over Flash’s unceremonious loss. I used this interview for a video on the [url=]History of Fancy Pants[/url] – but this interview was actually the entry point to Brad and I talking about the possibility of bringing the original Fancy Pants games to Steam! So to celebrate this special day, here is that interview in full, available to the public for the very first time. [previewyoutube=U0WX_ZNlKkQ;full][/previewyoutube] [h1]DEVELOPMENT[/h1] [b]The Fancy Pants Adventures: Classic Pack[/b] started with the simple idea of bundling together the original Flash games, linking them up with a Yoshi’s Island–like HUB screen, and adding a few QOL of life features. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890907/2127afb06186c50a4073ab7de0780ae444ba2ea3.gif[/img] [i](An early preview of that HUB world concept)[/i] ------------------------------ At the same time discussions were opening as to what else could be added to this Pack, everything came to a screeching halt! It’s been [url=]a long journey[/url], but that hiatus allowed us the time and space to look at what the [b]Classic Pack[/b] [i]could be[/i]. There is a legacy present here that is [u]WORTH[/u] paying tribute to. Here’s an example: The [b]Classic Pack[/b] will include both the original World 1, and the World 1 Remaster. But if the Original World 1 now has added widescreen support, and runs at an improved FPS, have the 2 versions been made too similar? In classic Brad fashion, always wanting to push the envelope, he immediately started brainstorming ways to distinguish the two World 1's, but also to make this Pack much more than I think anyone was originally expecting. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890907/235fed7e176d9b1e206ffcd467f10a4bc5da1adc.gif[/img] [i](Footage of the original World 1)[/i] ------------------------------ How do you take choppy 17 year old animations made for a Flash game, and make them look good in a modern engine? [b]The answer is[/b]: you don’t. They’ll always look at least [i]a little[/i] off. [b]So what’s the solution? [/b]Well, if your name is Brad Borne, you completely re-animate Fancy Pants Man in the style of the original World 1 to make it feel [i]how you remember[/i], but using [u]entirely new[/u] animations! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890907/dff7498589b776211671138eede554b4eb10eff2.png[/img] [i](Brad started trying to sketch in his old style, finding it difficult to shed 17 years worth of practice!)[/i] ------------------------------ Next thing you know, Brad has create any entirely new set of animations, allowing the game to look and feel like old-school World 1, while still playing buttery smooth!! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890907/82035682b8c82c1beabc948dca7c875139a61c14.gif[/img] [i](Brand NEW World 1-style animations! Note: gifs do not do the improved FPS justice!)[/i] ------------------------------ Having new animations in old styles opened up some crazy ideas Brad had already been tinkering with. [i]But we’ll save those details for you to discover on your own…[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890907/4da5efd4e96b97a74dba6ed4fa086dbdb4132e56.png[/img] If you want the most up-to-date information on development, be sure to Support [url=]Brad on Patreon[/url], and join in the [url=]Fancy Pants Discord[/url]. Thanks for 17 Fancy years! -Graeme (2 Left Thumbs) [h1]MORE PLATFORMING[/h1] Looking for more high energy, showy platforming action? Please consider checking out [b]Magenta Horizon[/b]! It's being Published by 2 Left Thumbs, and the entirety of Act 1 (~2-3 hours) is available now as a Free Demo! Be sure to try it out and add Magenta Horizon to your Wishlist.