[h2]The annual [b]Steam Summer Sale[/b] is here!![/h2]
Thousands of games are on sale across Steam, including a [b]20% discount[/b] on The Fancy Pants Adventures: Classic Pack! Consider grabbing the game bundled with the Super Fancy Pants Adventure for additional savings ([i]or scope out one of the other bundles offered this sale[/i]).
The entire [url=https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/2leftthumbs]2 Left Thumbs[/url] publishing catalog is on sale. Be sure to browser that selection to see what other quality games might strike your [i]fancy[/i].
Brad has been hard at work on a new update for [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/668210/Super_Fancy_Pants_Adventure/]Super[/url]!! This is primarily to address performance and stability - as that has depreciated some over the last ~7 years.
We wanted to have this public in time for the sale, but the current build isn't [i]quite[/i] stable enough. This update ended up being a LOT more effort than anyone was expecting! We should have more to share "soon".
Our apologies that this is held up updates for the Classic Pack. It's a difficult thing for 1 dev to offer long-term support to 2 different titles. But it didn't feel right to leave Super in such disrepair! Thank you SO much for your patience and understanding.
[h2]COMING SOON[/h2]
A new game published by 2 Left Thumbs, hailing from another legendary Flash dev, is coming soon!
Keep an eye out for [b]Gorgon Shield[/b], from the creator of [i]Swords and Sandals[/i]. It is a party-based RPG, arcade, roguelike. And I can guarantee you haven't played another quite like it!
There is large demo for you to play around in. And please be sure to add it to your [b]Wishlist[/b]!