There were reports of users losing progress, especially in regards to collectibles in World 2.
Please let us know if you ever experience the following [i]after[/i] this patch:
Collect any trophy. Exit. Come back. And you no longer have said trophy!
You shouldn't need to [b]reset your save[/b]. But if you would like to:
[list][*] Go steam offline mode
[*] Delete C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata//1668460/remote/SaveData
[*] Go back online
[*] Steam asks to revert to a cloud save, or an empty save. Choose the empty one![/list]
(Eventually we'll add the ability to reset your save [i]within[/i] the game)
We're already playtesting more fixes. Hopefully the worst edges will be rounded off soon.
Stay Fancy!