I had put off posting an update until there was major news to be shared. But now it's been nearly 2 months, and I feel that an updated is owed.
Progress was going smoothly, with Brad hard at work cracking into old code, and updating these old Flash games to work in ways the quite simply were never designed to! It's no small task, but is something Brad is definitely capable of (despite near-daily development hurdles that seem to present themselves at every conceivable turn).
Reaching beyond the actual game development, it has instead been real-world circumstances that have lead to these delays. Without disclosing any personal details, or risking over-sharing more than they are comfortable with - Brad and his family weathered an awful hurricane a while back.
His top priority at this time is ensuring sure his family's health and safety. That has meant stepping away from the Classic Pack for the time being to take care of them, his home, and any other personal needs while things get back to normal.
[b]WHAT'S NEXT?[/b]
The motto right now is: Family first.
I support Brad 100% in this, and I strongly believe it is the right (and quite frankly, only) decision. I know many of you are excited for this game - I am too! But that needs to be put on hold for the time being. Luckily we never actually set a release date. So that "Coming soon" placeholder is as true never as it was just a few months back.
We appreciate your patience and support at this time, and promise things will be back on track as soon as possible.
In lighter news, the [url=https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1480560]winners of our art contest were announced[/url]! I probably could have made an announcement just for that, but was waiting to see how the dust might settle.
The cover image used for this post comes courtesy of [url=https://literalhat.newgrounds.com/]LiteralHat[/url], the winner of that contest. Check them out!
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