Entering Early Access, we knew things were a little buggy. Especially World 3.
Brad immediately got to work banging out fixes, and we already have a new build ready for you!
Brad has never really needed to keep patch notes before, so please bear with us. I'll attempt to include as many specifics as possible, but note going forward: these lists are [i]unlikely to ever be 100% inclusive[/i] of all the minute things Brad is constantly fine tuning.
[h2]PATCH NOTES[/h2]
[h3]World 3[/h3]
[list][*] World 3 door text added
[*] World 3 bonus rooms should now properly allow you to enter/exit
[*] Some World 3 bonus rooms have the timer on top of their doors fixed
[*] Squiggleville challenge complete dialogue fixed
[*] Squiggleville end platform fixed
[*] Outer Squiggleville challenge no longer breaks things, and pants are awarded automatically
[*] World 3 bottle interactions fixed
[*] Pirate Cove star fixed
[*] "earthquake bug" fixed
[*] Baddie pile in the ship screams when attacked now
[*] mice squeak when killed[/list]
[list][*] Pause Menu updated
[*] Removed World 3 Debug Menu (we may bring this back in a Beta branch!)
[*] w2 -> w3 pause fixed
[*] w3 menu music overlap in menu fixed
[*] pausing breaking cutscenes in w3 fixed[/list]
And a million other [i]liiittle[/i] fixes.
We can consider this the [b]Borne Index[/b]. A measure of all the teeny ways Brad is constantly improving everything on the fly, measured in Brads. [i]Very[/i] high Borne Index in this first patch ;)
"[i]The last two uploads were patching up some pretty broken stuff that just wasn’t fixed yet, we’re almost to the part where the fixes are actually interesting and not just ‘core function of game works now’[/i]"
Hopefully we can find a system for more easily tracking bugs moving forward.
For now, I just wanted to make sure everyone knows the games are already being worked on!