Hey everyone,
We've been hard at work on the next batch of fixes and tweaks, and we came across something that we'd love to get your thoughts on. 💭
[h3][b]Gotta go fast! 💨[/b][/h3]
We've noticed a lot of players have had concerns about the [b]speed stats[/b], and have said how it seems confusing. We've taken a look into this and agree, it might be making the game unnecessarily complex, so we've come up with 2 options on how to change this:
[h3][b]Option 1[/b][/h3]
We can remove the speed stat so that attacks are now based on the units position. Both ally and enemy attack each other at the same time.
[h3][b]Option 2[/b][/h3]
The same as Option 1, but units now always attack the enemy in the mirror position unless stated otherwise.
[h3][b]Option 3[/b][/h3]
Have your say! Alternatively, if you have a different solution to how speed stats work, we'd love to hear it.
[h3][b]Which option would you prefer to play with? [/b][/h3]
[b]Please let us know in the comments[/b] how you like us to progress with this, alternatively we will be setting up a thread in the steam discussions to discuss the speed stat - your thoughts are really important to us and we want to make sure we're taking our game in the right direction!
We'll have more news about updates coming soon. Thanks for your help with this.