[u][b]Major Additions [/b][/u]
[*] Early Access Launch.
[u][b]General Gameplay Adjustments [/b][/u]
[*] Balance adjustments to Boss Battles.
[*] Gnocking – toned down power of summoned units.
[*] Khaothesis – increased power of summoned units.
[*] Balance adjustments to Miniboss Battles.
[*] Dranachaus - adjusted Super to remove Max Health rather than Deal Damage.
[/list] [/list][list]
[*] Certain Hyper Evolution Items can now be created using the Combine option in the Bag.
[u][b]Misc. [/b][/u]
[*] Updated the appearance of some on-hover tool tips.
[*] Music Tracks have been extended, to address any issues with incorrect track looping.
[u][b]Bug Fixes [/b][/u]
[*] Fixed Armachillo's Passive not triggering correctly.
[*] Fixed issue causing Shiftyke to not correctly display in the Kadodex.
[*] Fixed 'ASLEEP' Status Effect causing issues with 'ON START' Passive Triggers, resolving some issues with Boss Encounters.
[*] Fixed 'Ladder' item incorrectly trigger the equipped Kadomon's Attack.
[*] Fixed 'Jar of Dirt', 'Weighted Dice' and 'Telescope' items effect not triggering correctly.
[*] Fixed Potions not correctly counting towards Quest Completion status.
[*] Fixed Random Events occasionally causing freezes/hard locks.
[*] Fixed issue causing null reference items to occasionally appear in random encounters.
[u][b]Known Issues [/b][/u]
[*] Random Events display incorrect localised text when playing in Non-English languages
[*] Fix identified, will be updated in the next 48 hours.
[*] Controllers are currently unsupported due to some late-stage technical issues.
[*] Bugs identified, will be fixed during the launch window.