Hotfix Now Live! | Save File Bug Resolved

Hello, Kādomon Keepers! We’re excited to announce that a hotfix has just been posted to resolve the recent issues caused by the save file bug. This should fix the problems some of you were experiencing with new save data creation, along with a few other improvements. Thank you for your patience and support as we worked to address this! Please see the full patch notes below for details: [b][h2]Patch Notes[/h2][/b] [b][u]Bug Fixes[/u][/b] [list] [*] Fixed an issue causing save data to not be correctly initialized when starting a new game, which was leading to an infinite loading loop. [*] Resolved a softlock caused by opening the tutorial directly from the main menu. [*] Forced Ace to be the playable character in the tutorial, ensuring that tutorial prompts refer to the correct Kādomon. [/list] Thank you again for your patience, and happy training in the world of Kādomon! As always, let us know if you encounter any further issues or feedback. We’ll keep working hard to make your adventure as smooth as possible! - The Kādomon Team