Hey everyone,
we'd like to apologise again on this taking some time to reach you, but we have a patch going up on the experimental branch tomorrow 01/05/2024!
Keep an eye on the Steam Announcements, as we will put up a post when the build is available & instructions on how to access the branch.
Please find the patch notes below:
[h3][b]General Gameplay Adjustments [/b][/h3]
- Support for Controllers is now available.
- For users on Steam Deck or using Steam Input, to correctly utilise Controllers, please ensure your Steam Input settings are set to a Gamepad layout, rather than KBM Emulation.
- It is now possible to suspend and resume mid-run, allowing players to easily jump back into the action.
- It is now possible to enter and share Run Seeds on the Main Menu, allowing players to replicate maps between runs.
- Stability issues may be introduced when using Seeded Runs, please report any encountered using the in-game bug reporting tool, accessible via. pressing F10 on KBM.
[h3][b]Misc. [/b][/h3]
- Added button to remove items from Kadomon, without having to switch for another item in your inventory.
- Updated English text strings for certain triggers and events, correcting grammatical errors and removing placeholder text.
- Enemies can no longer exploit the damage from the 'Radioactive Gem' item.
[h3][b]Bug Fixes [/b][/h3]
- Fixed an issue allowing all Kadomon to be released, rendering further progress impossible.
- Fixed an issue causing Misprints to be unselectable in the Kadodex.
- Fixed an issue allowing the game to continue once the player's Morale has hit 100.
- Fixed Split Evolution Kadomon having incorrect interactions with their pre-split Evolution Lines.
- Fixed Scowlie's Super Ability dealing too little damage to Allies.
- Fixed an infinite caused by combining Tainee's Passive with the Ice Club item.
- Fixed items equipped to Gnock disappearing permanently from your Inventory when Fragile is triggered.
- Fixed Hyper Wormonger's Evolution animation not displaying correctly.
- Fixed an issue causing the 'Carrot on a Stick' item ability to not trigger.
- Fixed 'Toxic Lamp' item incorrectly targeting the wrong Kadomon.
- Fixed 'Fishing Hook' item incorrectly granting bonus health.
- Fixed 'X Fainted Allies in Battle' Quest not triggering correctly from parties using 'Last Wish' status effect.
- Fixed 'Apply X Thorns to Enemies' Quest displaying the wrong number.
- Fixed Kadomon Cards occasionally getting stuck when moving between active Party and Box during battle.
- Fixed tooltips not correctly appearing for Shop items.
- Fixed the battle being able to be started whilst still holding a unit, causing some incorrect behaviours.
- Fixed an exploit allowing the enemy team to be edited and stolen from during battle setup.
- Fixed an exploit allowing nodes to be skipped by hitting the continue button in the shop whilst in the start of a battle.
- Fixed an exploit allowing locked off Map nodes off the current route to be selected.
- Fixed an exploit causing Shop Items to be swappable with items in your inventory.
- Fixed an exploit causing Shop Items to be sellable.
- Fixed an exploit allowing Items to be duplicated through swapping them around in your inventory.
- Fixed Items being incorrectly able to be combined with themselves.
- Fixed an issues causing Lock symbol to become stuck in the Combine option box, if an item had been sold mid-Combine attempt.
- Fixed an issue causing status effects to incorrectly display in your Box if a unit had since been deleted (primarily caused by Bulbaby).
- Fixed Hyper Evolutions incorrectly displaying a half-full XP bar after battle.
- Fixed Shop Menu only being able to be closed by hitting Continue after battle.
- Improved Menu flow to enable easier access to the Shop when moving between screens.
- Fixed the Expanded Card View closing any menus the player currently has open.
- Fixed an issue causing incorrect menu highlights to appear when pressing ESC on KBM.
- Fixed an issue with ESC inputs causing certain menu options to no longer function correctly, including one known crash.
- Fixed an issue with the Tutorial becoming incompletable if the player interacts with Menu options on the top bar.
- Fixed menu flow to allow the Options menu to be correctly accessed during the Tutorial.
- Fixed issues with the Kadodex.
- Hyper Skeeleton will now no longer incorrectly appear before unlocking.
- Legendary units now no longer display duplicated entries.
- Names for certain items have been added, where they were previously missing.
- Fixed Handora incorrectly displaying in the Kadodex.
- Made the display on the left hand side update faster when rapidly switching between unit entries.
- Selecting a different unit in the Kadodex now defaults back to the currently open menu, allowing easier comparison between units.
- Won/Released Stats should now update correctly.
- Fixed Resolution Menu in Settings not working correctly.
- Fixed Language Select defaulting to English when navigating away from it.
- Fixed Audio Settings resetting on startup.
- Fixed Settings button not functioning correctly if returning to the Main Menu after a run.
[h3][b]Known Issues [/b][/h3]
-Localised Text will be updated in the coming weeks, correcting inconsistencies in grammar and incorrect translations.
- Initial Loading can be slow at times, appearing to hang.