Community Update: Public Branch update

Hi everyone, Just to let you know that the [b]Public Branch[/b] has now been updated with our latest changes from the last two patch notes (previously these were on the Experiments Branch). These changes included: [b]- Controller support - Seeded runs - Hyper Evolution items added to the Kādodex - The removal of Type Effectiveness - & lots of smaller bug fixes [/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42864533/f4bb21307a6b1635a506681f89dbc6ccbf413f90.gif[/img] [h3][b]More updates are on the way![/b][/h3] While we don't have a set date yet on when to expect the next batch of updates, please rest assured [b]we are working hard on improving Kādomon[/b] throughout the rest of 2024 and beyond. We want to give everyone the best experience we possibly can, so expect lots of changes and lots of chances for your feedback to be heard. We're very excited to show you more of what's coming to our game, but we just need a little more time to get our heads down and iron out some details before we share more. Thanks so much for your ongoing patience and support. Pat