We are extending the availability of Sandbox Mode playtests till Wednesday!

Creature Lab

Become a mad scientist! Conduct crazy experiments, mix mutagens, breed abominable creatures, and attach monstrous body parts to them. Manage your inventory, expand your lab, and make sure your hideout is safe. Send your creations into the city to obtain salvage and test subjects!

Hi, people experimenting with new ways to terrorize the city! Thank you for your participation in our playtests over the weekend! [b]We are already working on some fixes and changes based on feedback we have received from you. [/b] Meanwhile, as we are working on those issues, we have decided that there is no need to close the playtests so soon. We have not decided if we need the second round of tests yet - we need to analyze the scope of possible changes we want to implement, but for now, [b]enjoy the additional time with the Sandbox Mode till Wednesday.[/b] [b]We will be of course very grateful for additional feedback and sending Bug Report surveys our way! [/b] [h3]We are extending the availability of Sandbox Mode playtests till Wednesday![/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39596769/188a47ac4a20f6229cdb2c0d446ec7883cbfd98d.png[/img] [h3]The new deadline for the playtests is Wednesday, September 13th, 11 AM CEST/ 2 AM PT / 4 AM ET [/h3] For all the details you should need, we refer you to previous announcements about playtests. If you have additional questions, we have official playtest thread open in our Community: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1309990/discussions/0/3820796493687304161/ [hr][/hr] And remember that you can ask us directly about anything via Discord: [url=https://discord.com/invite/wnX4tvhASg][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39596769/e080e0780af43535ea37d3036dc8563185cca2e3.png[/img][/url] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1309990/Creature_Lab/