Nominate Creature Lab for Steam Awards 2023

Creature Lab

Become a mad scientist! Conduct crazy experiments, mix mutagens, breed abominable creatures, and attach monstrous body parts to them. Manage your inventory, expand your lab, and make sure your hideout is safe. Send your creations into the city to obtain salvage and test subjects!

Hi, revenge-driven mutant commanders! [b]The very special time of the year for the Steam community is coming - Steam Awards 2023.[/b] As mad scientists should be eager to feed their egos. we have decided that Creature Lab should join in the fun. [b]We're particularly proud of our retro-inspired, classic horror tinted visual style. [/b]Everything in the game - from the UI to the posters and newspapers you can find around - was designed around this theme. Including our signature green colors! So if you had a fun time in the lab and enjoyed creating your own monsters, we humbly ask you to consider[b] nominating our game in the Outstanding Visual Style category [/b]for this year's Steam Awards. [h2]Nominate Creature Lab for Steam Awards 2023 [/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39596769/247bdbc641b105aa7df7ecfd57ef5fc1f031e68a.jpg[/img] [hr][/hr] And remember that you can ask us directly about anything via Discord: [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39596769/e080e0780af43535ea37d3036dc8563185cca2e3.png[/img][/url]