New update for Creature Lab - more limbs and QoL features

Creature Lab

Become a mad scientist! Conduct crazy experiments, mix mutagens, breed abominable creatures, and attach monstrous body parts to them. Manage your inventory, expand your lab, and make sure your hideout is safe. Send your creations into the city to obtain salvage and test subjects!

Hi, ingenious creature manufacturers! After some time working on other projects, our team has returned to Creature Lab for some long-term support! In this update, we prepared a brilliant concoction of new limbs, a new combat log, and bugfixes. We're happy to see that most progression issues seem to have been fixed. While there are still some errors lurking about, these prove difficult to identify and eliminate. If you encounter any issues with your save files, please [url=]send them to us on our Discord server[/url]. With that in mind, our main goal was to give you new tools to play around with. We also realized that it's not always clear why certain creatures perform better or worse so we added a combat log for some extra clarity. Check out the new limbs below: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39596769/5c55afc7fde3c2bbbcdd49edd85e811192685fe0.png[/img] The patch introduces the following changes: [list] [*] Added the Dragon Arm - a balanced limb unlocked late in the campaign. [*] Added the Root Arm - an anti-light limb unlocked early in the campaign. [*] Added the Crab Arm - an anti-armor limb unlocked in the middle of the campaign. [*] Body chambers now have an additional light that turns on when the player looks directly at creatures contained within. [*] Fixed an issue with some achievements not unlocking despite meeting the requirements. [*] Improved some of the translations that displayed incorrect text. [*] Implemented a new combat log that allows the player to see what happens during combat. [*] Changed the battle and mission report screens to fit the new combat log files. [/list] Remember that you can ask us directly about anything via Discord: [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39596769/e080e0780af43535ea37d3036dc8563185cca2e3.png[/img][/url]