Update 11 for Creature Lab - progression and visual fixes

Creature Lab

Become a mad scientist! Conduct crazy experiments, mix mutagens, breed abominable creatures, and attach monstrous body parts to them. Manage your inventory, expand your lab, and make sure your hideout is safe. Send your creations into the city to obtain salvage and test subjects!

Hi, owners of large mutant collections! Today we arrive with a new patch for Creature Lab, fresh after the large content drop of Sandbox Mode and new visual effects for mutants. The implementation of new elements went well, thanks to your help via playtest. However, we have still - also with your help - identified some further issues needing addressing. The most important problems we found with the help of your bug reports were progression issues appearing in some instances for the tutorial and one of the first missions. We provide fixes for all these problems, so you shouldn't stumble upon those blockers in the game anymore. The second batch of fixes is mostly for visual glitches with mutant presentation. We have also identified some improperly working collisions on various walls, so we have also set them right. We hope that those changes will make your gameplay even smoother! [h2]Update 11 for Creature Lab - progression and visual fixes[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39596769/adf27a34b6c33134fd74d2114f6622bb7f4c4c93.png[/img] [quote] We also want to send special thanks to all the people whose feedback is helping us to combat the most persistent issues in the game. Especially those community members that send us their DxDiag files, save files, and other data that help us directly in locating and reproducing the issues. Big kudos! [/quote] The patch introduces the following changes: [list] [*] Fixed a major blocker appearing in some instances after skipping the tutorial. [*] Fixed the issue of mutant locked in the holder without the possibility of removing it when switching from tutorial to sandbox. [*] Removed a progression blocker appearing in some instances after getting the first set of research papers. [*] Amended the issue of missing mutant limbs in Creaturopedia. [*] Amended the visual issue with the mutant's shirt. [*] Amended the improper wall collisions. [/list] [b]If you are experiencing the issue with a black screen appearing after the Image Power logo and not loading the game further, please check if your configuration meets the minimum requirements described on the Steam store page.[/b] If it meets the requirements, we kindly ask you to send your DxDiag.txt file to marek@imagepower.pl, on the Steam forum, or via our Discord, to analyze your configuration. As usual, we invite you to use our dedicated bug reporting thread in our Steam discussions: [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1309990/discussions/0/3809529789908529375/]https://steamcommunity.com/app/1309990/discussions/0/3809529789908529375/[/url] [hr][/hr] And remember that you can ask us directly about anything via Discord: [url=https://discord.com/invite/wnX4tvhASg][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39596769/e080e0780af43535ea37d3036dc8563185cca2e3.png[/img][/url] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1309990/Creature_Lab/